Chapter 3

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The next day after school, I'm out in the parking lot with Lottie (who's 14 years old and in the 9th grade); we're waiting for mum to pick us up before she stops at the middle school for Fizzy and then the elementary for Phoebe and Daisy. Fizzy is 12 years old and in the 7th grade, Phoebe and Daisy are 10 years old and in the 5th grade. Doris and Ernie are 4 years old and attend Preschool and daycare, mum will pick them up after stopping at the elementary school.

"Lou, can we-" Lottie starts and I stop her with a glare. I'm still not in the mood to talk to her. She must not get the hint because she starts again. "I like Levi," she says softly while I'm still glaring at her.

"That's nice. Don't care," is all I say as mum pulls up in her mini van and I climb into the front realizing she's already picked up my three other sisters, whom I all smile and greet.

Turning my attention to Phoebe and Daisy, who are in the way back. "So, Phoebe and Daisy, I've asked the others already, which name do you like better; Lucus William or Logan William?"

I see mum raise an eyebrow that I didn't offer Levi William as a choice. The twins think for a moment before bouncing in thier seats. "Lucus!" Phoebe says excitidly while Daisy says just as excited, "Logan!" Four for Lucus and three for Logan.

Nodding with a grin, "Thank you girls." They nod and start talking to Lottie and Fizzy.

Smiling at mum, I say "Looks like your grandson's name is going to be Lucus William Tomlinson."

Mum turns her smile to me before she notices Lottie's frown from her rearview mirror. "Why did you take Levi out of the options?"

Shrugging at her I say quietly, "Lottie wanted it and like I told her, she has no say in my son."

Mum nods but I can see the hurt in her eyes making me feel guilty. I know I should forgive Lottie but right now I just can't. "I'm sorry I can't forgive her mumma," I whisper.

She pats my leg as she drives to the daycare to pick up the youngest twins. "I understand baby boy," she whispers back. She pulls into the daycare and parks. I climb out of the van to help her gather the twins.

"Mumma!" Doris yells hugging mum's legs.

"Bear!" Ernie hollers as he gently wraps his arms around my legs. Giggeling at my youngest siblings. Squatting down I pick him up since he already has his backpack on his back.

"Louis, you shouldn't be picking him up," one of the workers scolds softly as I stand with my brother as mum is helping Doris with her stuff.

The worker, I can't remember her name tries to gently remove Ernie from my hold, but he and I won't let her. "My Bear!" Ernie yells tightening his grip on me.

"He's alright, I can hold him, I do it at home," I tell the worker as I shift him in my hold on my hip. She frowns at us but leaves Ernie where he is since he's started bawling into my shoulder.

Mum looks over at us concerned since Ernie was fine a minute ago. "Why does Ernie call you 'Bear'?" the worker asks as I rub his back to calm him.

"Mum calls me Lou-Bear, so he calls me 'Bear'," I answer simply with a shrug of my shoulder that Ernie isn't on.

Mum comes over with Doris in her arms still concerned. "What's the matter with Ernie?"

The worker blushes as she answers mum. "I tried to take Ernie from Louis because he shouldn't be carrying him while pregnant."

Mum's eyes flash to anger quickly. "My son is smart enough to know if he can handle holding his little brother. I've held my children while pregnant, I also know that if Ernie was to heavy for Louis to hold, I'll tell my son, not you. Mind your own buisness!" Mum raises her voice slightly at the end.

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