Chapter 4

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I'm sitting at the cafe ten minutes before Harry is supposed to arrive. The cafe is within a five minute walking distance of home, so I walked here against mumma's wishes. I need the exercise and fresh air, it's good for me and the baby.

Blowing on my hot chocolate, I glance around the nearly empty cafe. Besides myself, there are only six other people, all are couples. Taking a sip, I hear the bell over the door ring. Glancing up I see Harry enetering the cafe, searching for me. Waving shyly at him as his eyes find mine.

Harry comes over to me with a grin, "Hello Louis, nice to see you."

"Hello Harry, it's nice to see you, too." I can feel a blush cross over my cheeks.

"I'm going to order a drink and then I'll be right back. alright?" I nod with a shy smile as he turns to head to the counter. He stops part way turning back to me, "Are you hungry?"

I shake my head because I don't want him to pay for my food and I can't pay for it myself; since I'm a little short since ninty percent of my paychecks go to buying what Lucus will need.

"No thank you," I say just as my stomach rumbles loudly causing my blush to deepen from embarressment.

Harry raises an eyebrow at me. "What do you want, Louis? I'm buying and don't deny you're hungry, I heard your stomach. What would your son like to eat?"

"I'm fine, I promise, I have a lunch packed for while I'm at work later. Thank you though, Harry."

Harry scowls at me for a moment before nodding and heads to the counter to place his order. He returns a few minutes later with a hot tea, a chocolate chip muffin and a blueberry muffin.

He sits the mufffins down in the middle of the table with a smirk. "Which one would you like?"

Shaking my head softly, I give him a tiny smile. "I appreciate it, Harry, I really do, but I can't pay you for a muffin. I don't get paid until Monday and I spend a majority of my paychecks on my son and away in an account to pay for a flat once I turn 18 years old."

"Louis, please, please, pick a muffin, I would love it if you would eat one. I just want to make sure you and your son are taken care of."

Blushing as I tip my head downwards, I nod slightly as I pull the chocolate muffin toward me. "Thank you, Harry and Lucus thanks you as well."

Harry smiles as he nods at me. "You're welcome and so is Lucus. That's your son's name, right?" I nod with a smile as I pop a piece of muffin in my mouth.

"Very cute name, I think that suits him well."

Smiling sweetly at him. "Thank you, Harry." Harry and I spend the next two hours and forty-five minutes talking until I needed to head to work.

Harry walks me next door to the bookstore, holding my hand gently. "Can we do this again?" he asks softly as he stares deeply into my eyes.

Smiling at him broadly I nod perhaps a little to eagerly. "I would love too. Let me know when and where and I'll be there?"

Harry leans down since he towers over my height. He's a giant compared to me. "I'll text you and let you know," he whispers just before his lips ghost over mine.

"I'm looking forward to it," I whisper before Harry gently kisses my lips. I wave as I enter the bookstore as he walks to his car to head out.

Signing myself in, I put away my backpack and head to the front to find my list of tasks that I need to perform in the next five hours. Greeting my co-worker who's running the till, she smiles and greets me back as I head out to stock the shelves.

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