Letters #5

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I'm so sorry. So, so sorry.

But there's nothing I can do about it. Nothing at all.

I've never felt more helpless in my life.

And the temptation. The temptation is so strong.

I can't do this. I WON'T do this.

 I WON'T do this

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Dearest K,

What on earth are you so sorry for? Not answering? That's no tragedy. I can imagine you get busy from time to time. No one is as stationary as I am. As trapped.

I appreciate the sentiment, but you really have nothing to blame yourself for. My predicament has nothing to do with you. I'm just grateful for the conversation.

So please, fill the pages with your thoughts. Let me know what you're feeling, thinking. What you would like to discuss, to know.

I can tell you of new books and imaginary adventures. I can tell you about more dreams and hopes.

I am well. Much better than I have been in a good long while. So don't be afraid to talk to me.

What is this temptation you speak of? What is it that you will not do?




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Short and sweet and to the point

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Short and sweet and to the point. The goal was for a sense of urgency to lead to the next chapter. I hope I have achieved my goal.

Hit the star, give me your thoughts.

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