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The next day was just as painful to Dowoon. The reason as to why Wonpil couldn't walk with him this morning was,

He was with her.

It was always like that when he got a new girlfriend.

He shouldn't be jealous.

He should be happy for the other.

He watched as he took her hand with his and walked off, all smiles. His heart began to sink but he had to push it back and be happy for him. That's all he'd ever do.

"I see you got the girl you wanted." he gave a sarcastic smile and sighed.


"WOAH WOAH OK. Younghyun hyung why did you do that?!"

"Sorry....Hey I know what you're feeling."

"No you don't hyung."

"Yes I do. I know you don't want that happening but you still support it.."

"Because I'm the best friend..It's what i'm supposed to do..."


"Let's just get to class hyung.." Dowoon walked off ahead of Younghyun before he could even fit in another word.

He just wanted it to be over.

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼ 

Dowoon's POV

I've guess you've forgotten me?


It's always like that when you find a new crush or find a new girlfriend. You distance yourself away from me. I mean, I don't blame you I guess.

You like her.

Not me.

That's how it all goes right?

I'm just your best friend.

It's lonelier without you walking with me to class, or sitting with me at lunch. Sure, Younghyun hyung is there with me but, it's not the same.

You're pretty dense though. I swear, I try and throw every single hint I can find to say that, I like you.

I guess it's like morse code to you. You don't really understand it. It's just an act of friendship. That's all it'll ever be right? Because I'm just a friend.

Nothing more

Nothing less.

I don't know, I just get frustrated. How do you not see that I'm trying my best to express my feelings towards you? I can't just blatantly say "Hey I Like you." to you. Plus, I'm too shy...

"Dowoon. You're zoning out..We have to finish these notes! The test is Friday!"

"O-Oh. Crap."

"Dowoon..I know it hurts."

"Hyung let's not talk about this right now ok?"

"Alright..just know, if you need to talk, I'll be there to listen.." I nodded and looked back to my half empty notebook.

He's all I'm going to be thinking about now.

More than usual per say.

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

"Dowoon!" The boy turned around to see his love interest running after him with a bright smile on his face, which caused him to smile as well. Butterflies began to erupt in his stomach like an active volcano as Wonpil finally caught up to him.

"Dowoonie! How were your classes?"

"They were just filled with me thinking about you."

"They were ok. How about you hyung?"

"It was great! Sooyoung just makes class better!" Dowoon's smile dropped at the mention of Sooyoung. He was going to have to have to get used to the name constantly being mentioned.

"Hey, Woonie. What's the matter?"


"You seem sad..is everything ok?"

"Y-Yeah hyung! I'm fine. I'm just a bit..tired."

"Are you sure?"


"Mhm." Dowoon shifted his gaze back to the ground as they continued to walk.

"Hey." Dowoon looked at the worried boy and hummed in reply.

"You know you can tell me anything right? I'm here for you. Always."

"I know hyung."

But I can't tell you. I'm just trying to show you.

"I'm sorry I couldn't sit with you at lunch woonie."

"It's fine. I had Younghyun hyung to keep me company..."

But it wasn't the same.

"I know! Me and Sooyoung will sit with you tomorrow."

"N-No! Hyung..you don't have to. Just spend time with her."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course hyung. We don't always have to be together..."

But I want us to.

"Do you know Park Hanuel?"

"Mm I've seen him around. Why?"

"He's having a party at his place. He invited me and allowed me to bring an extra person."

"Are you bringing Sooyoung?"

"No. I'm bringing you! It's tomorrow at 9. Wanna go?"

"I..hyung..Shouldn't you bring your girlfriend?"

"I want to spend time with you woonie. Just me and you."

"Me and..you?" Wonpil giggled and lightly punched the boy in the shoulder.

"Of course silly! So..are you going to go?"

"Mm sure. For you hyung."

"YAYY!!" Dowoon smiled brightly at the cute boy who he swore was the sun. He shined brighter than the stars in the night sky in his eyes.

If only he was mine.

He could only hope

Friend Zoned |dopil| {complete!}Where stories live. Discover now