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The stars illuminated the night sky as Dowoon sat on top of his roof and looked up. His heart felt heavy after what happened and he didn't know what to do.

"Why now? Why not then?" He questioned as the night breathe calmly blew past him. He didn't know what to think of anything. One day he confesses and gets ignored for a month and then the next the other is trying to return the feeling.

But why?

It confused him.

Why did the boy all of sudden say something now? Was it pity? Is he being played? He just wanted a real answer. He felt dumb and heartbroken. He could be getting played and he could just fall into the trap.

He'd fall into the trap because he loved the boy. He was too blinded by love to properly see or guide himself. But he didn't care. He wish he did. He wish he could just get over it, but he couldn't.

"Dowoon!" He looked down from the roof to see the boy who stole his heart. Again.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanna explain-"


"Dowoon! Just let me!"

"Fine...I'll just get down—"

"I'll just go up there. There's a ladder in the back right?"

"Yeah..." he watched as the boy headed out and went out of his sight. He sighed and laid down on the roof staring out into the starry sky.

"Hey." Dowoon jolted and looked at the boy who wore a sad smile on his face.

"I'm sorry for scaring you."

"It's fine it doesn't matter." Wonpil sat next to the boy and sighed.

"Dowoon, I wanna explain.."

"Go ahead hyung...I'm listening.."

"Alright...when you called that day and told me you liked me, I was shocked..I didn't know how to handle it—"

"So you ignored me for a month?"

"I'm sorry it was wrong...I just...I didn't know. I ignored you because if I saw you, I'd cry. I couldn't face you after that phone call. I was thinking a lot during that month. My feelings were all over the place...but the thing was..."


"I was scared."


"I was scared to love you. I held back. I didn't think..I've should've known..but I was just scared.. I was afraid and lost and..I just didn't want to lose you. I thought I did. It was my fault. You've been with me from the start and you do your best to make sure I'm always happy, regardless of how you feel. That's something I'll never get from anyone."


"Dowoon I didn't pity you. I genuinely like you. It took me a while to even realize it."

"Yeah..you're a bit dense hyung.."

"Ha..Sungjin hyung and the others said the same thing..." Wonpil switched his gaze to his converse and fiddled around with his fingers. Dowoon watched his actions and his heart only heated more.


"Yeah?" Wonpil looked up and their gaze met each other. They stayed that way for a while until they slowly inches in and sealed the gap between them. Wonpil wrapped his arms around the boy while Dowoon ran his hand though Wonpil's silk like hair.

Dowoon could feel his love grow more and more as the kiss deepened. He longed for this moment. He longed to hold the older in his arms like this. He wanted Wonpil to be his.

They pulled away from the kiss staring at each other, love filled their eyes. Dowoon looked at the boy who's eyes sparkled under the moonlight, creating a godly imagine in his eyes.

"Be mine?"

"Of course."

Friend Zoned |dopil| {complete!}Where stories live. Discover now