Characters so far

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The reader is a Wendigo demon from the Netherrealm and allies with Quan Chi, who was the one to suggest the reader to Shao Khan for more allies. He's the leader/king of his Wendigo clan, and is also a follower of Shinnok. Along with Quan Chi try to help release the former elder god. The reader serves the Khan and become on his most loyal servants like Quan Chi and tasked with helping making Mileena with Shang Tsung. When Mileena came to Shao Khan appointed the reader to be her bodyguard/guardian. Secretly try to influence her to be Shinnok's side but develops feelings for her and ultimately betray Shinnok and Quan Chi to rule Outworld along with Mileena.


The reader is the king of the Moroi (Vampire) race. Like in the games the Moroi race was annexed by Shao Khan and now are forced to be part of Outworld. Due to this many Vampires escape to other realms, some stay trying to free their realm from Shao Khan. Plague by many rebellions and revolts by the Moroi, plus interested by their blood magic and history tracking of all the realms. Shao Khan offer his daughter's hand in marriage to the reader to form an alliance between the two. Seeing the opportunity to protect his people and be close to Shao Khan to free his race, agrees. On the other hand Shao Khan tasked Kitana to kill the reader after they wed to end the rebellious vampires and have more soldiers since Kitana will be queen of the race and forces them to serve Shao Khan. But Kitana fell in love with the reader while he was courting her and couldn't bring herself to kill him. So he and her serve as one of his best assassins.


The reader is the bodyguard of the reader in Kitana's part, so he's a vampire too. He's a great fighter and really loyal to the king who's his close friend (brother almost). The reader served the king since childhood since his family been guards for the royal family for generations. Went with the king to visit the king's bride and meets Jade, he becomes friends with her since their friends will wed and they will have to protect the couple togther.

Sonya Blade:

The reader is like Jotaro Kujo very rude but nice to close friends. He's a great soldier and joins Special Forces due to his skills, I'll mostly likely said he met Sonya before they went to the tournament. Had feelings for her but never confessed until after her divorce with Johnny Cage. Thinking of giving him a Stand but not sure.

Cassie Cage:

The reader is like Captain America, was a great soldier during the war but got horribly hurt in a battle. Due to his injuries was selected to be part of an experiment to make super soliders. Like Captain America has peak human abilities and help in the war. As part of his healing process or adjusting to his new abilities he has to be frozen. Unfortunately the enemy came in and killed all the people leaving the reader frozen for years, until during Shinnok invasion S.F found him and free him. The reader help with Shinnok and lived on the base of S.F adjusting to the new world. Due to the experiment he has slow aging so he still 25-27 and befriends most of S.F including Sonya and Johnny. And knows Cassie her whole life, Cassie grew having a crush on the reader which turn to love, and Cassie was the first to start the relationship.

Jacqui Briggs:

The reader was the leader of gang like Saints Row type of gang and was wanted by Special Forces. As one of their first missions Johnny sent the new team (Jin, Takeda, Cassie, Jacqui) to capture the reader, which they did. Instead of sending him to jail Johnny recruits him to the team as parole. At first Jacqui couldn't stand the reader but falls for him but Jax disapproves since the reader is a ex-criminal so they keep their relationship a secret. Until the reader visits Jax and asked for his blessing to marry his daughter knowing it mean a lot to Jacqui, doing do reveals the whole relationship to him. Eventually Jax gave his blessing and the reader and Jacqui wed.

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