First Meeting Pt 1

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(Sorry only two here made Kitana's and Jade's parts too long)


You watch as several of your servants carry boxes of gold, silver, and jewels. In the middle of the line was two servants carrying a gold embodied chest. You turn to your guard. "Is everything set?" He nodded. "Yes my lord, everything's in order we may precede on your order." You sigh but then you heard your younger brother's voice.

"This is really necessary brother? Surely Shao Khan already has a vast wealth, you know after he conquer many realms like ours. Just giving that emperor more is a waste, we need this more than he does!"

You turn to your younger brother and give him a serious look. "Brother please not now and in front of the people. I understand you like many are enrage Shao Khan enslaved us and conquer our realm, but listen to me. It's not everyday that Shao Khan offers an alliance, it means he sees us as allies like Tarkatans and the Shokan. With our ability to travel between realms and our Blood Magik, we will be the Khan's favorite race. In turn we're safer and more closer to the Khan with gives us more power in his army and with enough power can be free from his clutches. I merely thinking this marriage arrangement will greatly benefit our race especially since Princess Kitana is one of his closest to him beside his other daughter. If he's offering his adopted daughter hand in marriage than he founds us a threat and wants to ensure us as allies."

Your brother open to mouth to argue more but your two guard stop it. "My king and lord the portal to Outworld is opened now. I suggest we leave immediately it will be rude and insulting to Shao Khan and Princess Kitana if we arrive late to the meeting." You knew your close friend was interrupting so not another fight between the King and prince will happen. You cough and walked forward to the portal. "Yes very well. My people let's go, remember we are honored guests in Shao Khan's palace. He and his court deserves respect and no impulses understood?" You give a quick glance to your brother who angrily looked away. Your servants yelled. "Yes my king!" You lead your servants to the portal as your guard moved behind you being a barrier between you and your aggravated brother.

*Time Skip*

You and your servants walked the famous Outworld Market heading towards the palace of Shao Khan. Outworlders were surprised and at awe seeing Vampires or Morois walking through their streets. Someone didn't know who you and your court were, but seeing human like creatures with bat like wings from their backs and sharp fangs was a sight. They also saw the many riches you were bringing and towards Shao Khan's palace meaning you must be important.

Outworlders also noticed how everyone wings looked the same except for three, two royal clothed who wings were the biggest and darker with a few tears in them especially for the one red suit. Then the third in armor of silver his wings weren't as large as the royal dressed males but still much bigger than the rest, his wings were tore at the bottom and he had many tears.

You saw the many Outworlders ogled at you and your people and the riches you had. You simply looked forward and held your head high, not only you're King of the Moroi race but you're respensting Vampires to Shao Khan. Your bodyguard was very alert and was prepare to defend you and your brother if an attack happens while your brother was enjoying the looks from the crowd.

Reaching the palace stairs you saw Quan Chi and a Wendigo demon. You frown a bit at the Wendigo yet you and your court bow in respect to the sorcerer and demon (your brother hesitated a bit but did so anyways). "Greetings sorcerer and mighty demon." You spoke respectfully, the demon smirked showing his sharp teeth you could practically smell the blood of many of him. "You did follow your words of brining lavish gifts to the emperor and his daughter, my who knew the Moroi had such wealth."

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