Things Are Going to Get Better

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Beam forced a smile as he walked out of the restaurant. The girl taking his application had looked at him apologetically and told him that they weren't looking for any new employees as of now, but that she would keep his application on file in case there were any future openings. He could only offer a half-smile as thanks before walking out of the place.

So tired.

If I don't find something - anything - I'm going to be in big trouble. What else can I do? Any free time I have is spent looking for work. I've been trying everything and anything and no one is calling back. At this point I don't care what job I get or how much they pay. As long as it can help keep a roof over our heads, I'm willing to give anything a try. 

If he was going to get through today, he was going to need a little pick me up. As soon as he took a sip of his iced coffee, he could feel his dour mood start to improve. 

Let's see, there's still three other places I haven't tried. If worse comes to worse, I can always ask Pha for a job at one of his companies, although I'd rather not do that. I've already bothered Kit and Pha too much with my problems. 

His ears perked up quickly once his phone started ringing. 

Steady Beam, you got this!


"Yes, hello is this Bea-"

Perhaps his overzealousness was a tad too much, but he really needed this job and he was sure that the woman on the other line was calling about a job offer. What else could it be? He didn't have a lot friends and only a small group of people knew his phone number.

"Yes! I'll take the job!"

He held onto his phone for his dear life and waited anxiously for the other person on the line to continue. 

Please be a job offer, please please please!!!

He heard the other person chuckle and clear their throat before continuing.

"My, it's not often I'm met with such enthusiasm!"

They're laughing? Okay, so far so good. 

"I hope you can keep the same energy on your first day here."

He was stumped for a moment. Did that mean what he thought it meant?

"My first day?"

"Yes, we are expecting you today at the company, how soon can you get here?"

Beam wanted to start crying. Was this really happening? 


Rose threw her handbag on the desk provided to her by one of the employees. She was not at all impressed by this place.

I still can't believe dad's making me work. I'm missing my nail appointment for this?

She shoved several papers away from her desk and pulled out her phone. How else was she supposed to pass the time until lunch time?

"I wouldn't trade this job for anything in the world. As long as I can see the boss's face every once in a while I'm happy to be able to work in this place."

Rose sunk down on her chair, making sure she wasn't noticed by the gossiping women.

"I still can't believe someone like him is still single. Like hello! I'm here, single and ready to mingle!" 

"I don't know about him. He's always so serious and I've never seen him smile once since I started working here."

"Yeah, me neither. Besides, I'm more into the romantic and sensitive types." 

"Not me. He's so my type. I would happily trade all my sick days for a chance to have dinner with him."

Rose snorted at the women. Weren't they exaggerating a bit too much?

"Why isn't anyone working! You ladies know what the boss will do to anyone wasting company time when they are suppose to be working!" 

Rose turned her head to see who the new person was. 

The woman had her hair in a tight bun, minimal makeup and her pursed lips displayed her overall annoyance.

"Yes assistant Lee, we're sorry!" 

The women quickly scurried off to their desks and commenced their work. The only other person to fear in this office - besides their handsome boss - was his assistant. 

Rose put her phone away and pretended to work. It wouldn't do for the boss's assistant to see her slacking off on her first day of work. Besides, if she wanted her time at work to be easy she would most likely need to suck up to her. 

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