Chapter 1

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Kim Namjoon's P.O.V

"Guys did you see this?!"
"What is it?"
"It's Mark and Jackson's sex tape!I can't believe their gay."

I heard them gossip infront of their lockers,I rolled my eyes before sitting on of the chairs at the cafeteria.

I took out my phone and read the news on the app secretly.

"It's just not that,wait for a better one tomorrow."I heard a voice behind me and I saw the one and only Jung Hoseok.

I got embarassed due to someone catching me reading the lastest news on the gossip app,especially when that someone is the creator.

"Whose lives are you going to destory,Hoseok?"I asked irritated.

Hoseok sat down infront of me.

He shrugged and smiled innocently."It's public service."

I sighed and stood up,walking away from the cafeteria all the way to a place where I should be.

While walking,I felt someone following me so I looked behind me and saw Hoseok with his hands in his pocket.

I rose my eyebrow,"Don't you have anywhere to go?"

Hoseok nodded"Yeah,detention."

I don't reply and continued walking,after a few minutes I stopped infront of a door,grasping the door knob.

I suddenly hear Hoseok laughing behind me,"You've got detention?what's your crime Mr.Brain?

I groaned and turned to look at him"Someone fucking pranked me.putting some random phone in bag during Prof.Kim's class and I even expained that my phone was in the locker but he didn't even give shit to hear my side of the story."I scoffed.

It's because Prof.Kim has a strict no-phone policy during his class so he spends 10 minutes inspecting our bags before going to lesson.

Hoseok's eyes widen in surprise"Wow,same."He said as he looked down.

"What do you mean same?you got pranked too?"I asked confusedly.

He nodded.

"Well,fuck my life."I mumbled before entering the classroom where prof.Kim was waiting.

As I entered I definetely didn't expect the people here,except for Min Yoongi.

Im not surprised since he always gets in trouble since 5th grade,and now he was actually under probation for dealing drugs,but my knowledge is purely theoretical.

Other than Yoongi,there was Park Jimin,probably here for making out with one of his sluts in prof.Kim's class.

Another is Jeon Jungkook,the popular athlete of the university,but is a gentleman.

Kim Seokjin,known as the pink princess of the university,but some people say when you get to know him more his kinda sassy,but again it's theoretical.

And there goes,our prof.Kim Taehyung,the reason why we're all here.well it's not entirely his fault,it's our doing anyways.

After snapping out of my thoughts,I walked slowly to one of the seat behind.

"Got the wrong turn?this isn't the student council you know?"Yoongi said smirking.

"Save the commentary"Prof.Kim said as he sat down on the teacher's chair.

"Look Prof.Kim,what you saw in my bag isn't my phone.mine's here!"I said as I showed him my real phone.

"You too?"Seokjin asked,

"That wasn't my phone too."he frowned looking at Prof.Kim.

"Me three."Jungkook chimes in.

"Me four"Jimin says.

I was surprised hearing it from them,I thought I was the only one.

"Somebody punked us!"Hoseok said as he leaned his elbow on the desk of Prof.Kim but he doesn't seem bothered.

"Why would anybody want to trap a bunch of students?"Yoongi asked blankly.

"I missed basketball practice because of this."Jungkook whined.

I looked at Jungkook and sighed.

"Im not buying one of your excuses,now I want you to write a 500 word essay about the american highschools or else i'll give you another detention tomorrow."Prof.Kim said as he typed something on his laptop.

One of us is Lying||BTS FFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant