Nightmare fuel vs dreamboat

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There's no way I did that... Right? I can't be THAT overpowered. Ah, I'm hallucinating, there's no other-



Before I even got a chance to read the first one, more and more appeared. Only after a full minute of nonstop notifications did they eventually slowed to a stop.

What just happened?

Figuring that they might be important or something, and having nothing better to do, I started skimming though the first few.


Wait. Negative status resist? Would the brain damage or whatever is wrong with me be considered a negative status?

I tried to look at the lake again, but the rest of the near endless notifications covered my vision. I'm not reading all that. Where's the Accept All button when you need one?


Oh. I pressed it, the rest of the notifications disappeared.


Lazy!? Just because I didn't want to read all that? Really? Not only does god have no sense of practical fashion, he's also a dramatic little-

I stopped that thought just in case god continued the mind reading, and opened the new message instead.

[Welcome to your new life! In this world of Swords and Magic you are free to as you wish as long as you have enough power. Conquer the world and bring it to new heights or lead a peaceful existence, the choice depends on you. Have fun!] got to be kidding me. What kind if a third rate video game world is this? Is it too late to find poisonous berries?

Sighing, I looked at the lake in front of me. If it isn't just a weird delusion... maybe I won't need those berries.

The water glittered under the sun. Minus the house, it was just like I remembered it. Fully expecting it to just be a mirage and to feel solid ground instead, I reached out. My fingers slipped under the surface, into the clear cold water.
It's real. It's actually real. How-? I yanked my hand back.
The trees weren't giants and my hand weren't abnormally small. No, the reflection of a small, innocent face stared back at me. I reincarnated as a child.

Ah. I buried my face in my hands, a kid? Forget a snack, I won't even be an appetizer. Even if I don't get murdered by whatever is in this forest and somehow found my way back to civilization, what would I do? Get carted off to an orphanage? Foster care? Adopted and stuck in school with a bunch of snot nosed brats? No, I'd rather starve on the streets.

Wincing, I remembered how well that turned out last time. That's over. It's a different world, I won't make the same mistakes. Pushing my hair back, I took another look around.
Nothing seemed to have changed since I last checked, I was still utterly alone in the middle of nowhere.

.....well, worrying myself to death isn't going to help, I might as well take a swim.

After a small debate over whether I should go swimming with or without my clothes, I took them off and leapt into the water, carefully avoiding my reflection. I didn't need to be reminded how my dream of a harem was completely ruined. Or that I'd never even be able to get a woman to even consider me looking like this.

Reincarnated- Start Of My Happy Yuri Life!Where stories live. Discover now