The only pride I have is gay.

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I abandoned my lounging position, internally cursing the people that blocked my view. With my current body even standing on the chair wouldn't have helped.
Not that my original body would have made much of a difference, I grimaced.
Still, I craned further and further forward. But I couldn't feel my muscles ache and strain, nor how they trembled. At least not until they gave out.

Alex caught me before I fell off her lap, "Do you want your own chair, Yuri?" She asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Shaking my head, I snuggled back against her. The group laughed.

"She seems to be fond of you Captain~"

"Aw, I want a cute fairy clinging to me too! "

Scooting their chairs closer, a few of the kids crowded around, gushing over this body's long hair, tiny hands, and pinchable cheeks. The difference between my physical form form and theirs was probably only a few years, but it was enough to be treated like some sort of small animal or a life sized doll.
Dolls... Are they too old for dolls? 
.... They're what, about fifteen? Maybe a little older?
At their age what was I-

"Can we brush your hair?" A kid asked,
startling me out of memories of cake, candles, and darkened rooms. "And can I style it?" One of the other girls asked excitedly, a comb already in her hand.

I dropped my hand away my lips and nodded. Better my hair than swords and beer.

She and the others quickly got to work.

.....Wait. I hate kids. They can get drunk and fall on their swords for all I care.

While trying not to think about how they hadn't washed their hands beforehand, I noticed they had some faint scars and a kind of bruising. I let out a sigh when I realized it was a type I wasn't familiar with.
It's none of my business.
Wiry arms and already calloused hands
carefully arranged my hair in different styles. Each one gaining the praise of the group.
Playing along, I posed for them.
Simple gestures sent them into a frenzie, squealing things like "how cute!" and "Awwww!"

Sitting in a handsome woman's lap while being cooed over and spoiled... Ah. This is bad. I could get addicted to being pampered like this.

My face was squished and pinched a few times before they started styling my hair again. And to make things worse the woman from earlier was no where to be seen.

Ugh, I'm too sober for this.

I waited until Alex was distracted enough to let go of the cup she'd been nursing, and gulped it down before anyone could stop me.

The cup was snatched out of my hands.

Wine, huh?
I licked the last of the liquid from my lips, Cute.
And speaking of cute...
Giving my best puppy dog eyes, I asked for more.
All I got where looks that expected me to suddenly drop dead.

"Captain, did you order something different today?"

Alex shook her head, "bring the medic."

Sure, it was a big cup of what smelled like punishment, but it's not like it could kill me ...right?

Someone started patting my head, while telling me everything would be fine. I might have believed them if they didn't sound like they were trying to convince themselves.

Ugh, do I look like a basketball? Stilling her hand, I gave her a reassuring smile, "I'm ok."

The kid sniffled and looked up.

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