🎵We will never give up our hope🎵

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Alfred and brandy : 🎵Our heroes is going on a journey. To save the jungle and we will never give up on our hope! 🎵
(Bart oliv Freddrick and Chris walking)
Chris : 🎵I am here because, I use to be a  prince back then. My parents was talking about me. So I ran away from home and I never came back. And then I became a leader of this crew.🎵
Bart :🎵 I am here because, I lost my only cousin . The Monster took her away and I got save her.🎵
Oliv : 🎵I'll never give up.🎵
Bart : 🎵I'll stand up for myself.🎵
Freddrick and Chris : 🎵We'll never give up on our hope!🎵
Oliv : 🎵 I am here because I want to become a cooker but my mom said I'm not good at cooking. So I ran away from home and I join the crew.🎵

Freddrick :🎵 I'm here because my little brother, Alfred got kidnapped and I'm the chosen one to save my brother and the jungle.🎵
Bart :🎵 but it'll be ok. If we stick together.🎵
Chris : 🎵he's right, we need to together.🎵
Oliv : 🎵To save the jungle.🎵
Bart : 🎵We'll never give up🎵
Oliv : 🎵We'll stand for ourselves.🎵
Freddrick and Chris : 🎵We'll never give up on our hope!🎵
Brandy and Alfred : 🎵Our Heroes is going on a journey to save the jungle.......🎵
Kids  :🎵 And We will never give Up our HOPE!!!!!!🎵

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