Chapter 2

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I entered the ball some were dancing, some were conversating, some were drinking. But none of that will be done by me. I came here with my friends and we were just here to have a good time.

"Laffayette and I are going to get drinks do you want any?"

"No, I'm fine,but thank you for asking, Laurens."

A few minutes after they left a woman with blond curly hair and red cheeks approached me.

She looked absolutely beautiful. But I could see in her eyes that she was dissatisfied,"You striYou strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied."

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You forget yourself"

"You're like me. I'm never satisfied."

"Is that right?" She questioned.

"I've never been satisfied." I told her truthfully.

"My name is Angelica Schuyler."

"Alexander Hamilton," I then kissed her hand.

"Where's your family from?"

"Unimportant," I did not want to get into a conversation about my depressing backstory at an event like this.

She looked at someone who looked like her and walked me towards that woman.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked her.

"I'm about to change your life"

"Then by all means, lead the way," I said with a smirk.

When we finally a proached the woman, who had black hair but what amazed me most about her was her eyes. She had very beautiful eyes.

The woman waved, "Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Schuyler?" 'Wait...aren't the Scuylers very rich?' I asked myself in my head.

"My sister," Angelica said with a very fake smile on her face. I could see she was drowning in sadness.

I gave Angelica a big hug and it lasted a bit longer than I anticipated.

"It's really you," she said while still hugging me I could see she was smiling. Then sense she was so happy she started laughing.

I heard the door open but I didn't let go of the hug.

"Sorry to break up the love fest, but I need help with these bags," I looked at where the voice was coming from.

It was a yound woman with curly hair and light brown skin. She suddenly dropped the bags and the flashback started again.

Today is March 14, 1801 Peggy asked me to stay with her while she was laying in bed sick. She looks very weak with bags under her eyes. She has curly black hair and looks like both of her sisters.

"Alexander thank you, again for coming to visit me."

"It's what family does," I said with a smile.

"I can't even get up...that's how sick I feel...that's how sick I am. Am I... am I going to die?"

"No, Margarita you will be I'm you are just a little ill."

"Yes, but I've been "just a little ill" for a year. I'm going to die soon."

"Don't think like that Peggy. You must think positive."

"I've tried thinking positive for too long," she said with a smile, "now I think it's time for me to go. Tell my sisters I love them," then she slowly closed her eyes and I tried to wake her up but she was already gone.

I was about to cry but I help in the tears and gave Peggy a quick hug.

"Hamilton thank you for all that you've done for me," she said with a smile then she passed a bag to me,"now please help me with these groceries," I did as I was told.

After we put away the groceries we talked about ourselves. I learned that Peggy is still in college and her major is undecided. I learned that Angelica is a lawyer. I learned they they're all still very confused why they know their past life and no one else does.

"Honestly we thought only us Schuyler's only knew our past life until we stumbled upon Aaron Burr and Angelica and I had a flashback of him. Which was confusing at first but Peggy made up a theory," Eliza stated.

"So, when we first saw each other we obviously didn't remember...sense we were babies. We knew we had a past life for forever. I'm sure that once you see somebody that was from your past life you remember everything about your past life. I still have no idea why this happens but hopefully we'll find more people like us then we'll have more information," I nodded showing that I understood.

"I need to go to my apartment to process everything." They all nodded and then they exchanged phone numbers with me.

"Take as much time to think as you need," Eliza said with a smile.

I nodded and exited the apartment building and made my way back to my apartment.

Once I got to my apartment I laid face first on my bed. O was exhausted, confused, relieved, happy, and sad at the same time.

Then I thought back to before the Angelica and Peggy came in. Eliza wants to marry me. I have no idea why. After all the awful things I did I don't undeestand why. I love her a lot but part of me wants to say no. And I have no idea why. But part of me feels like I'm missing someone in my life.

I tried to stop thinking about that because it was causing me a headache. I looked at the clock it read: 8:00pm. I should get to sleep because I do have my first day at my new job and I don't want my new boss, Mr. Washington, to be mad at me on the first day.

I'm really hoping it's not the same Washington from my past life or things would get weird once more. And I wouldn't even have Eliza nor Angelica nor Peggy to help me through it. Then Washington would be confused and it would be a whole mess.

I sighed and got out my laptop then started writing about...well anything but this day. Because this day is causing me too much stress just thinking about it.

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