Chapter 3

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I looked at the time it was:5:30 am. I got up fast and ran to the bathroom."Did I really stay up all night writing?" I questioned myself in my head. I'm positive I'm going to be falling asleep at work. So I have to at least look presentable.

As soon as I was done

getting dressed and such it was 7:01 am. I quickly ran out of the apartment and ran to the train station.


After a few minutes, I finally arrived at work. I went to my bosses office amd saw a brown skinned, bald man. And suddenly it happend again.

I followed Washington to his tent office. It wasn't my fault that General Lee got shot. But at least Laurens didn't get in trouble for this. But why me why did Washington blame this incident on me. But of course I didn't argue with him because I don't disrespect my commander.

Once we got inside Washington sat at his desk. I stood there arms behind my back making direct eye contact and he started,"Son-"

I would not like to be reminded of how I'm an orphane and I'm technically nobody's son,"Don't call me son," I interrupted sounding a bit annoyed.

"This war is hard enough without infighting-"

I don't understand General Washington sometimes. We were standing up for him why is it such a big deal,"Lee called you out. We called his bluff."

"You solve nothing, you aggravate our alies to the south."

"You're absolutely right, John should have shot him in the mouth that would've shut him up," I said with a bit of an attitude.


What is it with this man calling me 'son'? "I'm notcha son-" I said while sounding a bit angry.

"Watch your tone. I am not a maiden in need of defending."

"Charles Lee and Thomas Conway take your name and rake it through the mud, sir."

"Well my name has been through alot, I can handle it."

"Well," I started,"I don't have your name. I don't have your titles...but if you-"

"No-" he interrupted.

"If you gave md command of a battalion,a group of men to lead, I could fly above my station after the war," I said as I was getting excited just thinking about it.

"Or you could die and we need you alive."

"Your wife needs you alive, son, I need you alive-"

"CALL ME SON ONE MORE TIME!" I maybe got a little too angry when he said 'son' again. And I immediately regretted it after I yelled it.

"Go home, Alexander. That's an order from your commander."

I didn't know yelling that would result in going home,"Sir-"

"Go home."

I exited the tent and got my stuff ready to leave.

When I looked at Washington I expect him to be confused like I was, but he wasn't. He just treated it like a normal thing that happens to him everyday.


"Yes, sir?" I asked.

"Your office is over there," he pointed to the left and I walked towards where he pointed.

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