Part 6

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When Dan woke up, Phil wasn't gone like last time.

Instead he was laid down, in what seemed like an uncomfortable position, with an arrow loosely notched on his bow.

Dan smirked and stood up to shake him awake.

Before Dan had even gone to wake him up, Phil was stood up with an arrow pointing in between Dan's eyes.

Dan held up his hands and chuckled, "Whoa, easy tiger."

Phil sighed and lowered his bow, "Sorry, I fell asleep."
"Nah, it's fine," Dan shook his head. "I fell asleep yesterday."

They looked around and both pairs of eyes fell on the Cornucopia.

"You ready?" Dan asked.
"No," Phil responded. "But we're doing it anyway."
Dan sighed, "Then let's do it."


They walked slowly and carefully across on of the strips of land, "You okay back there?" Dan yelled behind him.
"Yeah!" Phil yelled back over the waves.

The reason they had to be so careful is because the waves were overtaking the strips and making them slippery.

"Keep your eyes on the ground!" Dan yelled. "And just... don't focus on the water!"
"The ground is the water, Dan!" Phil exclaimed. "It's difficult to separate the two!"

Dan rolled his eyes, "Yeah, okay, just... keep it together!"

Phil didn't respond, his heart was beating too fast, as nervousness filled his gut.

They walked for another minute before Dan exclaimed, "Almost there!"
Phil nodded, even though Dan couldn't see him.

Phil decided to turn his head, as neither of them thought that maybe there would be other tributes behind them.

It was a good idea Phil did, as there was a group of 4 people running across the strip of land.

"Dan!" Phil screamed with worry in his voice, so Dan spun his head to see what was happening. His eyes widened when he discovered the matter.

The tributes were getting near, as Dan yanked an axe from his belt and Phil notched an arrow, "Run!" Dan roared.

Dan and Phil started to run, it took a few seconds to stop slipping, before they were on steady feet.

"Get in the Cornucopia!" Dan yelled once they were on the island.

The tributes were only a few metres behind, but that didn't stop Dan and Phil from gathering almost every weapon left.

A spear, 3 rather blunt knives, and a sheath of 30 arrows, but no bow. On the floor were 6 butterfly knives, kicked under the table and three machetes.

Dan looked behind them, panting and exclaimed, "Phil, move!"

Phil stumbled backwards as Dan grabbed the spear and spun briskly with a grunt, throwing it with such force it was a blur, and it hit one of the tributes in the shoulder, where she yelped and fell into the water.

"Wow," Phil breathed. "Good aim."

Dan smiled for a second, before realising they were in trouble.

"Hey Phil," Dan asked as they gathered more weapons, "Can you throw?"
"I can aim," Phil answered.
Dan looked at him and nodded, "Good enough. Let's go."

They stood for under a minute just throwing weapons at the tributes, they only injured, not dead.

The others got to the island, one girl with brunette hair and big eyes, and two boys who looked like twins.

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