Part 20

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Phil managed to get to the beach in less that 30 minutes, which was perfect.

He peeked out onto the beach and saw a person on the Cornucopia island.

A male, who looked pretty scared and scrawny.
Phil was tired of killing, but that was the point of the games; you either kill or be killed.

Phil took in a long breath, started his descent onto the beach.

He kept an arrow notched on his bow, looking around for any sneaky tributes.
Thankfully, there were no other people other than the terrified guy on the Cornucopia.

Phil slowly started walking across the strip of land, before descending into a jog.

Once he was on the island he lifted his bow and arrow up, pointing it at the kid scrambling through the rest of the stuff.

"Hey!" Phil shouted, and the guy exclaimed out.
"No," the guy held his hands up. "Oh God, don't kill me, please, just... don't!"

Phil felt a stab of guilt, "I'm sorry."
"No," the guy was terrified. "Please, I can help you! I have sponsors, Pity sponsors! I can be your ally!"
Phil was starting to lower his weapon a bit.

"I don't need allies," he started to quote Dan sharply. "And frankly, I don't want them."

The guy was almost in tears, "Please."
Phil sighed and lowered his bow completely, he then jerked his head to the side, "Go."
"What?" The guy trembled.
"Leave," Phil snapped. "Take your crap and get out. Before I change my mind."

Phil wasn't going to kill him either way. But if he'd have said, 'Oh why don't you take a stroll and be on your merry way! Don't forget to grab your weapons, sweetie!' then the guy would've killed Phil, or at least fought back.

Phil had to be ruthless, and sharp. And frankly, quite b*tchy.

The guy nodded and grabbed a blunt knife, "Okay, thank you."

Phil grumbled as a response, as the guy started to sprint down the strip of land.

Phil sighed and put his arrow back in his sheath. He then rumbled through the rest of the stuff, and realized there was more stuff than there was when he was last on the Cornucopia. The game-keepers must have re-stocked. At least they were feeling a little generous.

He scrambled through the weapons until he found a coil of bronze wire.
He grinned, "Perfect."

He looked at the sky and saw they sun was starting to set.
Phil realized there wasn't much time before the plan had to take place, so he took one last look at the weapons, and decided to pick up a roll of bandage.

After all, it was a vital part of the plan.

He just prayed a collective prayer to anyone up there that this plan would work.


Dan was there when he got back, and his face lit up when he saw Phil emerge with a coil of wire.

"You okay?" Dan asked.
Phil nodded and placed the wire down, "Yeah, I had a run in from Henry, District 7, who looked terrified. So I let him go."
Dan smiled, "You always see the best in people, don't you?"
Phil grinned, "I try. And like you said, I'm basically Paddington."
Dan laughed, "Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I'm the living embodiment of Winnie the Pooh."

Phil laughed and said, "Yeah, if Winnie the Pooh was a bad-ass."

Dan couldn't help but feel a little proud that Phil called him a bad-ass.

They were halfway through talking about the plan, when Dan's hand shot to his mouth, "Sh*t!" He exclaimed.
"What?" Phil asked, concerned. "What's wrong?"
"We forgot the most important part of the plan!" Dan replied after dropping his hand.
"What?" Phil asked, now worried.

Dan looked around, and mimed slicing his arm open where his tracker was.
Phil's eyes widened, "Oh God. Oh God, they know. The game-keepers know what we're doing..."

"Wait," Dan put his hands on Phil's shoulders. "Don't panic. We'll just have to do it now, okay? We'll leave the coil here and go out into the jungle, remove the trackers and come back."

Phil exhaled and nodded, "Okay, let's go. We only have about 5 hours left."

Dan smiled and said softly, "Hey, don't worry. This is the worst part, and it'll be over before you know it, okay?"
Phil smiled back, "Okay."

"You ready?" Dan said, and Phil nodded. "Let's go."

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