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Yep... I'm gonna write a second book.
I know this book isn't mega popular or anything, but I really loved writing this book and it was so fun, so based off of the movie 'Mockingjay Part 1' and the beginning of 'Catching Fire' I'm going to write a second book to this one called "Childish Fears".
It should be out pretty soon, but don't hold me too it ya girls gotta busy life...

jk XD I spend my life on the internet... :)

And so I'll be doing to same as this book and writing the whole thing before publishing it because then I won't lose interest in it, and if I do I don't disappoint people on the internet :)

Anyways, I better get writing and I shall see you later.... 


(BTW: another fan-fic I wrote called "The Regret" which is a sequal to Dan's fan-fic he wrote for 'The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire' reached #11 in the tag TABINOF! 
So if you wanna go give that book some love it would be much apprecitated, it's the hardest I've every worked on a "short-story" book.
Anyways, I love you and will see you in the comments :)

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