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description: jisung's bad with feelings and chenle's too cute for him to improve in that field
authors note: what up i'm jared i'm nineteen and i never fuckin learned how to write
notes/warnings: underaged smoking (don't smoke kids it's bad for you)
word count: 2181

The night sky is still bright even with all the stars being hidden by clouds, the full moon easily being to blame. The wind makes itself known ever so often but almost silently, only showing it's presence by occasionally shaking up his mess of silver hair. Jisung takes a deep inhale of his cigarette, gaze directed at the sky but not really focused on anything in particular. He isn't sure what time it is, but he does know it's at least been a few hours since he's checked his phone, and he should probably head home soon. That doesn't mean he's going to - even if the clouds above are hinting at a possible oncoming storm. He loves rain, and anything to distract him from the sound of his own breathing is more than welcomed.

Except the crunching of gravel from behind him. Jisung knows who it is, none of his friends care enough to leave the comfort of their warm beds to come meet up with him at this hour. He's not entirely sure of the brunette's motive either. He couldn't actually know Jisung was here (unless he was really was a stalker like Jisung always insinuated) or maybe just took his backhanded comment of 'I consider this my get away place, but you're more than welcome to use it if you ever feel the need' a little too seriously. Jisung really wouldn't put it past him. Chenle had missed all Jisung's other signals of simply not tolerating human interaction more than he was forced to. The steps eventually stop and it's only then Jisung decides to break the still air around them.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Smoke leaves his mouth soon after the question does, and he watches with little fascination as it dissipates after a few seconds. The boy behind him sighs, clearly in disapproval and distaste, but just walks closer nonetheless.

"I don't think obsessed is the right word," Chenle halfheartedly corrects, plopping down all but gracefully right next to him. Jisung cringes at the dirt he can already imagine inevitably ending up on his jeans, and at the fact that they alone are probably worth more than his entire wardrobe. "Intrigued, maybe."

Jisung could never understand why. Even after plenty of interactions and 'coincidental' meetings he still can't wrap his head around Chenle genuinely just wanting to get to know him. Jisung wasn't a complete loner - he had a small friend group that he related to over their own unhealthy habits, but they were never as blunt as Chenle. He had this determination to him that no matter how hard Jisung pushed him away, he'd still come back around. It both comforted and annoyed Jisung to the greatest extent.

Their relationship was a strange one. Not quiet friends - Jisung would even hesitate to use the word acquaintances - just two people with a mutual regard for each other but only one who actually voiced it.

"You don't need to hang around people like me." Is his bland reply.

He thinks he hears and even sees Chenle scoot closer out of the corner of his eye, possibly solely motivated by spite, but looking over to verify might just shatter the hard exterior he's worded oh so hard to keep up since Chenle became a part of his everyday life, "What are 'people like you'?"

Jisung doesn't respond at first, taking an exceptionally large inhale of his cigarette for a good enough reason not to while pondering the question. Chenle always had a lot of them, he thinks, holding the smoke in his lungs for a good few seconds more before the burning becomes less pleasant.

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