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description: chenle doesn't think he'll mind trudging through the rest of winter if jisung's there to keep him warm
authors note: it feels sO WEIRD publishing something after almost a year of an unofficial hiatus omg even if it is only a one-shot book,, i have lots of other stories in the works but they're taking a lot of time + inspiration so sorry if my drabbles are not very good! i'm far from being the best writer and am still lacking in a lot of aspects :/ but hopefully you all can enjoy anyways!
word count: 1723

It was below freezing in Seoul. The streets were bare, much to Jisung's surprise, and the flow of students leaving the school behind him was just starting to slow down. He sighed, looking down at the fog that came out of his mouth when he did so.

The thick jacket he was wearing doing a great job at fighting the cold weather, but his scarf wasn't doing much to hold it off anymore. Jisung's mom was supposed to pick him up half an hour ago. His first day of high school and his mom already forgot their break was over.


Jisung sent his mother a text, notifying her he would just walk home. He had no hopes of his mom seeing the text, though. At least not that one out of the previous eight he had already sent.

"What?" Jisung jumped at the new voice, turning to see who was talking to him. But to his surprise the boy behind him, whom he assumed the voice came from as they were the only two people in the front of the school, wasn't even looking his direction. That was when Jisung took the time to focus on details. Only now noticing he was on the phone.

"You told me tryouts were tomorrow," The boy whined. Jisung recognized him from the family that just moved in down the block, but couldn't yet put a name to his face. Jisung walked his dog most mornings and recalled seeing the blonde haired boy leaving for school today. He could remember seeing the same maroon colored coat.

The boy tucked his right hand under his left arm, "What time do they end? I don't know my way home yet." He began massaging his temples, giving Jisung a good time to examine his face as his eyes were closed. He immediately recalled hearing his name called in history class for attendance— Zhong Chenle. Jisung had looked at the hand that was up curiously, not recognizing the foreign name, offering the doe eyed boy a soft smile. The brunette swore he felt his heart flutter when Chenle returned the gesture.

Now, the latter didn't have the same smile he had earlier. His expression now held a frustrated frown— probably due to the fact that he didn't have a way home.

Chenle - like Jisung and everyone else in their right mind during the winter - had a thick coat accompanied by dark blue skinny jeans. Chenle paired it with a pair of black combat boots and black beanie, but he didn't have any gloves. It was very simple attire for school; but Jisung could help but think about how he pulled it off so well.

He looked away when Chenle opened his eyes again. Luckily, the boy was too busy fretting on his own thoughts to notice.

"It's fine. I'll find my way," Chenle sighed. After another moment of silence and biding a quick goodbye to the person on the other line, he hung up the phone and stuck the device in his pocket. Now trying to think of an alternative way to get home safely.

Jisung bit the inside of his cheek in thought. Would it be too weird to offer him help home? The only interaction they'd had so far was a shared smile in history class. He hasn't even spoken to Chenle. Yet was now consider asking him if he wanted Jisung to walk him home.

That will surely not creep him out, he frowned at his own sarcastic thoughts, deciding to at least strike up a conversation with Chenle and maybe help him with a different idea. He took a deep breath before turning his body to look Chenle's way, the movement effectively catching his attention.

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