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One day Michael limped over the path through the mountains leading towards the castle, his right thigh hurt and he felt it with every agonizing step. With the empty eyes of one who has seen too much and who has been through too much he looked at the road ahead. They were the eyes of someone ready to give up.

Lately it happened more often that Xantier sent him on some kind of errand, he seemed to enjoy the benefits of having a slave around. It was a break from the pain the demon caused him and Michael welcomed it, although he knew he would be punished if he'd try to escape. So he didn't. He had long given up on the idea of escaping the demon. This was his fate and he had resigned in it, there wasn't anything else he could do.

When he neared the curve in the road from which he would have a clear view at the castle, he stopped. A large boulder had fallen down some time ago and now someone sat on top of it, looking at the castle. Another human, by the looks of it. Some messy and dirty blond hairs peeked from under the edge of a black hat and while the clothes were torn and dirty in some places, they seemed to be in decent shape for this place. Michael could only stare at him. What did another human do here? How could he sit there so calmly? The other human turned his head and looked at Michael with as much surprise in his blue eyes as Michael felt himself. If he had to guess, this guy was around his own age.

"Who are you?" Michael asked

"Benjamin Wilkins," the other introduced himself as he jumped down from the boulder and walked towards him. "Who are you?"

"Michael Bansing."

A friendly smile appeared on Benjamin's face and Michael stared at it. How was it even possible someone could smile like that in a place like this? "I didn't expect to see another living human here," Benjamin said.

"Me neither," Michael whispered. "How did you get here?"

Benjamin started explaining how a portal had opened and arms had come out which pulled him through. On this side of the portal he was faced with a demon, but that demon was attacked by big, black dogs and he could escape. He had learned they were called hellhounds and had stayed with them ever since. They had kept him fed and safe so far and he enjoyed their company.

"Hellhounds?" Michael whispered. "But...but...they are dangerous..." He had seen those hellhounds devour a demon and Xantier had warned him to stay away from those beasts, with the warning that being shred into small pieces was not a pleasant way to die.

"Oh, they are dangerous," Benjamin explained calmly, "but only to demons. I've seen their mutual hate." He put a hand on his hip and tilted his head slightly. "How do you know they are dangerous?"

"Well, I saw them attack and eat a lesser demon. And the demon I was with told me..." His voice trailed off as he realized what had happened there. Of course Xantier would tell him hellhounds were dangerous and that he needed to stay away from them. And he had believed it too.

"Exactly," Benjamin said. "I've discovered that it doesn't matter in what realm you are, a dog is men's best friend." He smiled a bit. "I've always loved dogs and I'm quite fond of these hellhounds too. They're just like oversized dogs with big teeth who can breath fire." Benjamin fell silent for a moment as he examined Michael. "How did you get here?" he asked.

Michael took in a deep breath and told Benjamin about the party, the contract and that he was forced to serve the demon Xantier. When Benjamin asked about how living with this demon was, he began to tell in more detail about his stay with Xantier and what he had done to him. The torture, the raping and the humiliation of being treated as a pet. As he went on with his story a compassionate look came in Benjamin's eyes and Michael's voice faltered. While he didn't know exactly how long he was here, he knew it could be measured in weeks already. All that time he had been alone and without compassion. At the end of his story he looked away, he really didn't want to start crying in front of this guy he barely knew. He felt Benjamin's comforting hand on his shoulder and he closed his eyes as the first sob escaped his throat and the first tears travelled down his cheeks. It was long since he had felt that and he was unable to keep himself from crying.

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