chapter 4- "WHERE'S MY BABY?!"

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Time passed. A lot.

Nightmare groaned, waking a little. Everyone surounded him. He opened his eyes, and suddenly jumped a little. He was aware of everything he had done already. Cross giggled a little. "Aww. He's so confused." Cross said, getting a little closer to nightmare. "Hello there little buddy. I'm cross. Can you say my name. Say Cross." Cross said in a baby kinda voice. Killer suddenly pushed him away. "No no-! SAY KILLER! DO IT-!" Nightmare curled up, getting a little scared. "NO! Say horror!"- "no-! Dust!". Everyone seemed so interested. They kept coming closer. "Guys, guys relax. Your scaring the kid-!" Error said, staying behind them. They didn't listen. Nightmare screamed at the top of his non exsistant lounges. "S-STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!! I WANT MY BROTHER!" They all jumped in schcok, falling backwards. Nightmare jumped down from the coutch, and ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. He didn't lile being treated as a baby. Or a child. But he's not evil. Cross caught him, picking him up. Nightmare squirmed, and struggled. "N-NO! P-PUT ME DOWN!" He cried out. Cross tried calming him, but nightmare squirmed himself free. He fell hitting his head on the floor, getting a crack. He ran again. Error didn't try to stop him, but simply got down on one knee, opening his arms for nightmare. Nightmare didn't know where to run, and for a second...Error didn't seem bad, or mean. Or evil, or anything else! Nightmare ran to him, hugging tightly, crying, and taking sharp breaths. "H-hey hey, hey shh, it's alright. Those stupid evil people won't hurt you." Error said, picking nightmare up. "Now, lets go get something to get that crack fixed." Error said softly, walking to the bathroom with nightmare. Nightmare was shaking, and holding on to dre- uh- whoops, hehe, error he probably thought. Error was almost like his brother dream. But less over reacting. Error grabbed some alcohol and bandage. He cleaned the crack, and wrapped bandage around it. "There ya go. Good as New." Error said, throwing nightmare a little up in the air, catching him again, just like a father. Nightmare laughed, feeling just like a kid again. Error gently pat his back, and placed NM down, he tripped and fell, whining a little. Error chuckled at him, picking him up, and placing him on his back. Error gave nightmare a piggy-back ride, back to the living room. As soon as nightmare saw the others, he started struggeling, trying to make error turn around. Error held him in his arms, bridal style again. Nightmare hissed at him, trying to bite him. He looks wide eyed at him, "hey, hey. Calm down, relax, they won't toutch you." Error giggled "I DON'T CARE GET THEM AWAY!" Nightmare hisses loudly. Error laughs A little.

Welp. This, was going. To be. Fun

~meanwhile at the star sanses base~

everything was calm, and peacefull. Blue, and Ink was sitting on the coutch, relaxing...until...

"WHERE'S MY BABY?!!!?!!!" Dream yelled, as loud as he could, kicking open the door. "WHERE IS HE?!" Ink JUMPED, and Blue fell from the coutch. "W-where's who?" Ink asked. "N-NIGHTMARE!! H-HE'S GONE!!!"

Ink and blue SHOT up, "what?!?! HOW?!"

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" Ink yell in response.

Dream panic, screaming nightmares name, seartching all over. EVERYWHERE!

Ink thought shortly. "Hmm."...He suddenly gasps in realisation "mabye error and the others took him! We should go there!"
Dream gasps "YOUR RIGHT!!! My poor baby brother! Bro's coming to get you!!" Dream yell, opening a portal, they ran right through

Sorry this was short. I have been having writers block on all my books. I've been..............



I'm fine.

Just...yea. The book will update with a longer chapter, probably later today, this was just short to keep you entertained meanwhile

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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