Chapter Twenty Six

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I'd done this a countless amount of times. Packing my suitcases, making sure I've got everything, driving to the airport, going through security, getting on the plane. The only part I enjoyed about travelling was actually arriving at my destination.

Which in this case was Luke's arms to be exact.

"Ugh I missed you so much Chloe," Luke breathed as soon as I ran into his open arms with quite a lot of force. I ran my arms over his back, to his neck and finally, to his curly head of hair. I squeezed him as much as I could. "I missed you so much too."

No phone call, text or skype call was half as good as the feeling of physically being with Luke. Feeling him, looking into his eyes and being able to kiss him. Although the kissing I refrained from doing until we were alone, or once his mother wasn't in the same room.

I removed myself from the embrace and turned around to take in all the familiar faces that I hadn't seen in what seemed like forever.

Beau, Jai, James and even Skip were waiting to greet me. I grinned and hugged all of them one by one. "I missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you too!" they chorused.

At last, I turned to face Gina.

"Mum, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is my mum."

"Come here sweetie," Gina welcomed me with a hug. "It's so nice to finally be able to meet the girl who stole my Luke's heart," she winked, making me giggle.

"It's so great to meet you too Ms. Brooks,"

"Please, call me Gina."

I nodded and smiled, leaning down to grab my bag but Beau beat me to it. "I got it."

After retrieving all of my other luggage, we made our way back to the Brooks Residence. I was so excited to not just be with Luke, but to finally see Australia. Once we arrived to the house, I took a good look around. "You have a lovely home, Gina."

"Oh thank you Chloe, the boys helped me clean up this place for you for once."

I smiled, "that's really sweet,"

"Here, sit down. You must be exhausted."

I took a seat on the sofa and Gina joined me. We were getting along great and we're going on about my career and the few shows I've done before Luke joined us.

"Mind if I steal my girlfriend, mum?"

"Go ahead." Gina laughed, looking at me and nodding towards Luke who was standing a few feet away. With yet another smile, I let Luke take hold of my hand and lead me down the hall.

"Come on, I wanna show you my room."

He walked me into a medium sized bedroom, there was a tv, bunk bed and video games sprawled across the carpeted floor. Luke watched me walk around and take a look. I'd seen some parts of his shared bedroom when we Skyped but it seemed a lot more different in person.

"I like it," I turned my head over my shoulder to look back at Luke who was still standing in the doorway. I stopped at his dresser and took a look at some of the childhood pictures he had laying around. "This is cute," I laughed lightly, admiring the picture of Luke in what seemed like middle school.

I hadn't realized Luke come up behind me until I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He turned me around and pressed his lips against mine softly.

"I've been waiting to do this for months," he smirked. I gave in and let my arms reach around his neck as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt him carry me over to the other side of the room, keeping our lips against each other.

He laid me down on his bed and slowly crawled on top of me. I broke the kiss to take a breath and smile before going back in with a lot more force this time.

Luke's hands roamed up and down my legs and stomach and mine held onto his face lightly.

"So do I pretend I saw nothing and walk away or stand here and make you two feel awkward?"

We quickly broke apart and looked up to see Jai standing at the door. My cheeks heated up instantly as I tried to hide my face behind Luke who was still on top of me.

"Cons of sharing a room," Luke mumbled as he rolled off of me and was now laying beside me.

"Sorry, sorry. I just came in here to grab a few things to take into Beau's room. After this, you guys can continue whatever you're doing and I won't be bothering you...just not on my bed." And with that, Jai shut the door behind him and left.

"Jai's bunking with Beau?" I asked.

"Yup, we have this room to ourselves."

"Aw I feel bad..."

"Don't, he doesn't mind. Unless you'd rather sleep on Beau's floor?" Luke joked. I let out a laugh and turned over to face him, leaving a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I should let you rest," Luke began getting off the bed but I held him back, "stay with me?"

Luke gave in without an argument and I snuggled into his chest, sleep instantly taking over.


I rolled over and opened my eyes, it was slightly dark outside from the looks of it, I couldn't tell if it was in the AM or PM.

I reached over to the nightstand to grab my phone and check the time. 4:27 AM.

Well, I've officially ruined my sleeping schedule. I sighed and turned over to find Luke still sound asleep by my side. I tried to get some more shut eye but my rumbling stomach made that impossible.

"Hey," Luke's soft voice whispered, I must've woke him up. "Hey," I smiled back.

I watched as he sat up and unwrapped the covers off his body, then looked back down at me, "well, what're you waiting for?"

I gave him a confused look but followed him out the door anyways. We tip toed down the hall and into the kitchen. James and Jai were both knocked out on the sofas with food, game controllers and the tv still on. I gently walked over and turned it off, the boys continued to sleep.

By the time I made it back into the kitchen where Luke stood, he'd already prepared two bowls of cereal for us, one of which I gladly devoured.

After our very early breakfast, we decided to head outside were we could talk without waking anyone up.

"I love going on early morning walks you know, when the sun is barely up and you can't tell if it's daytime or nighttime?" Luke stated. I nodded my head, "I do too. This is nice."

We walked hand in hand as Luke lead the way since I was very unknown to this area. "So, wanna tell me everything you've planned for us now that I'm here?" I smirked.

Luke did the same before deciding to let me in on one plan, "well I was thinking about taking you to this block party happening tonight."

"A block party?"

"Yup, unless you're not up for a party just yet, there's lots happening throughout this week."

"I guess I could use a party," I smiled.

"Alright, block party it is!"

We continued to walk in silence before I realized I hadn't called my mom since I'd arrived. "Do you mind if I quickly call up my mom and let her know I'm safe?"

"Go ahead."

I pulled my phone out and clicked on the contact that read 'mom'. She picked up on the second bell. "Chloe! How are you?"

"I'm great mom! sorry I didn't call right away, I literally slept all day."

We had a little bit more of a conversation before Luke and I were back at the house. I quickly said my goodbye and then headed back inside.

"It's still only 5:30, what do you wanna do till everyone else is up?" Luke asked. "I don't know, I guess we can shower and hang out in your room till then?"

"Sounds like a plan."


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