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Auni is a smart, well-spoken person. She has waist length, brown hair. She has hazel eyes that are filled with worry and doubt. She's a 'cheerful' person who loves reading. She has a crush on Scott but doesn't show it because she doesn't want someone to break her heart. She has a hard time standing up for herself and an even harder time trusting people. She's a sophomore in high school and is 16 years old. She has a youtube channel called Anaverageartist where she draws, sings, and plays games. Her fake name is Allie and she plays with her online friend Sam.


Pretty much Callum the youtuber except he's 16 and popular.


Scarlet is edgy (but not gothic) and stubborn. She has long brown and red hair and red eyes. (not in a demon way, they're actually pretty) She mostly likes to keep to herself. She has a crush on Callum but she doesn't like it. She's a sophomore and is 15. She has a youtube channel called simpleSamsays. She draws and plays games with her online friend Allie.


It's Scott, but he's 15 and popular.


These are the character profiles for my 'book!' I there will be other youtubers in it but Scott and Callum are the main ones. I hope you enjoy!
-Lil' M

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