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-Scarlet's P.O.V-

"Dad." I say, I look into his soft hazel eyes.
"I heard what happened to your mother." He clears his throat, "You and Emmy are welcome at my house at anytime."
"We'll manage without you." I say coldly
"Scarlet, I'm sorry." He says, "I really am." I roll my eyes.
"You can't fix it now." I say, "It's been 7 years dad. 7 years since you walked out leaving Mom heartbroken. She loved you and what did you do? You left." I can feel the anger rising inside of me.
"I never stopped loving your mother." He say
"Tell that to your wife, and 2 children." I say, "I watched you walk out and you didn't look upset, you looked glad to leave. I bet you didn't even hesitate."
"Scarlet, as soon as I walked out I regretted it." He says
"Why didn't you walk back in then? Why did you just admit you were wrong and walk back in? Mom still loved you." I say aggressively
"Scarlet, please, just give me a second chance." He pleads
"You've had enough chances. You could've come back any other day but you didn't." I say, "Sorry Nathan." I turn and walk away.

-Nathan (Scarlet and Emerald's dad)'s P.O.V-

I want to be in Scarlet and Emerald's lives again but Scarlet is too stubborn. My only chance is with Emerald. I look at Emerald and her friends playing in the park. The one with red and orange hair nudges Emerald, all of her friends turn to look at me. Emerald blinks a couple time before running up to me. I pull her into a hug, she wraps her arm around me.
"What are you doing here?" She asks
"I wanted to see you." I say
"You had plenty of time." She says, the rest of her friends walk over, "This is Ash, Cole, Raven, Tammi and Steph." She motions to a tall red and orange haired girl, Ash, a medium height boy with orange and yellow hair, Cole, a girl on the shorter side with purple and black hair, Raven, a short girl with rainbow hair, Tammi and a medium height boy with brown hair, Steph.
"Nice to meet you." Raven says, they all murmur greetings.
"So why are you here again?" Emerald asks
"I want to be your dad again." I say
"Scarlet said no, didn't she." She says, I hesitantly nod. She motions for her friends to go back to what they were doing, "Look, dad, as much as I want you back, I can't." Her soft green eyes look into mine, "I do miss you, but you have another family and Scarlet and I are content with ours."
"What about money? What happens when you guys run out of what your mom left?"
"Youtube pays decently well." She says, "I'm sure we'll manage." She hugs me again and walks away.

-Yammy's P.O.V-

I'm in my small bakery on the outskirts of town. I'm not usually in it because I'm busy with school or Youtube the staff was short last shift so I came in. I hear the bell on the door ring.
"We're closed, sorry." I say, I turn and see Auni breathing heavily, "Oh, Auni, sit down. Do you need a glass of water?" She sits down and nods. I hand her the cup of water and sit down.
"You good?" I ask
"Yeah, just a bit dizzy." She says, "I'm fine now."
"What happened?" I ask
"Big crowd, small space." She says, "2 of the most terrifying things on this planet." She presses her thumb against her right wrist and takes a couple deep breaths.
"Cupcake?" I offer, she shakes her head, "Oh come on, I know you like my vanilla-rainbow cupcakes." I get up and get 2 cupcakes from the back and put it in front of her.
"Thanks." She says, she takes a bit out of it and lets out a groan, "I forgot how good these are."
"Credits to the baker." I say, "So where were you when the big crowd happened?"
"Scott was taking me to a restaurant." She says, "Shoot, I should probably text him."
"Don't bother." I say motioning to Scott walking in, "I'll leave you 2 in peace." I walk into the back while Auni explains what happened to Scott.

-Parker's P.O.V-

I knock on Shelby's door, she opens it.
"Hey." I say, "You look nice."
"Thanks." She says, "So do you." We stand there awkwardly.
"You wanna go now?" I ask, she nods.
"Where are we going?" She asks
"You'll see." I say, we walk down the street to a picnic spot that also has a good view of the stars when it gets dark. There's a couple people around, because it's a public place. There's someone playing the guitar, I look again to see that Scarlet's playing. I almost didn't recognize her because her red hair now has bright orange and yellow streaks, it looks like a fire.
"Oh hey guy." She says
"Hey." Shelby says, "How business?" She motions to her guitar case on the ground.
"It's pretty good." She says, "It's been better." Shelby nods, "Well, enjoy your date."
"Thanks." We say, we walk away. Scarlet starts playing a softer tune and sings a love song. Shelby and I sit on the blanket and look at the setting sun while eating our food.
"The sunset is beautiful tonight." Shelby says
"But not as beautiful as you." I say, Shelby laughs at my cliché-ness.
"The sun shines bright but her eyes shine brighter. Her smile is glowing brighter than the stars." Scarlet sings, "When he laughs the mood gets lighter. They have love than can be sensed from Mars. Up in the stars. The stars shine bright and the and the moon lights up the sky. He found her and she's found her perfect guy. They're both a little awkward but it's ok because they love each other. Up in the stars. The stars shine bright and the moon lights up the sky. Just kiss already, guys." We both look at her, then look at each other. The park cleared out. I look into her light brown eyes. Our lips touch.

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