22 Funny and Sexy Text Messages

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There's this guy I really like, but he can't know. OMG! I can't believe I sent this to you. Well, now that you know . . . wanna make out?

Some people say to-may-to. Some people say to-mah-to. I say I-want-you-right-now-you-sexy-beast.

Here's a riddle for you: What is cute and nice and sometimes hard all over?

I'm watching HBO right now and getting a lot of ideas for things we could do together ;)

I've got a B.A. in Communications, so I think I'm pretty much qualified to blow your mind tonight.

One, two, I want to do you. Three, four, I want you more. Five, six, don't give me tricks. Seven, eight, don't be late. Nine, ten, see you then.
Did you know that today is National Donut Day? I thought we could celebrate in my bedroom. I'll bring the sugar.

If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me? Seriously though. You're hot. I'd like to touch your shoulders right now while you take off my pants.

Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I need to walk by again?

My dad always told me to make sure that I was treated like a princess, and you know princesses like it hot in bed. So . . .
Your body is so hot it's making me thirsty. Was that sexy? Because I'm not wearing any clothes. Okay, that has to be sexy now.

The top three sexiest things on this earth are: your chin, your shoulders, and your . . . I think you know what I'm trying to say here.

So, I'm outside. I'm not wearing two crucial pieces of clothing, but no one is calling the cops on me. Can you guess what's missing? Also, it's not my shoes.

I got eight hours of sleep last night in preparation for the rager that I'm preparing to have with you starting at 8 p.m. this evening.
I just wanted to let you know that I'm picturing you naked right now, and dang, you look good.
On the count of three, let's both say what we're thinking about. One . . . two . . . I really want to be naked with you right now!

I was listening to Taylor Swift today and was totally thinking about you. JK. Just wanted an excuse to text you to say I think you're darn handsome.

101 things I like about you: 1. You're hot. 2. You're hot. 3. You're hot. You get the picture.
Imagine that my bed is a football field. I'm the football, and you're running for a touchdown. See, I do like sports!

You're so sexy, you take my breath away. But, not too far away. . .like I don't die because of it. Still. You're sexy.

On the agenda for tonight: polite conversation followed immediately by impolite bedroom antics.


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