Chapter Six - Blaise

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The stress of things were finally beginning to settle in, which was not helping the anxiety from my brother vanishing into thin air any better. I let out a deep, heartfelt sigh. I am sorry, brother, I thought, we will find you. After the group parted ways to save time, I found myself walking to a place that was all too familiar when times were tough for me or for Derek. Our mother's grave site.

"Hello, momma," I said with a warming smile as I reached her headstone. The sun had started to peek out from behind the clouds as I knelt in front of the near perfect 180-year-old headstone. I sat there for what felt like hours before I finally built up enough courage to speak the words that I did not want to speak.

"Momma..." I took a deep, calming breath as I tried to prepare myself for what I was about to say, "Derek is...gone. One minute he was with us in our castle, the next minute he was just...gone," I said as tears had begun to fill my eyes. "He started to act so strange after the mysterious attack on the castle, but before we could get to him...we will find him, momma, but we might need your help." As I finished talking, the air around me started to pick up, little gusts flung my auburn hair around.

The air was not chilling and I did not feel any fear, instead, I felt warmth and comfort. It sort of felt like a deep embrace. With this, I could feel my anxiety subside. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back, and welcomed whatever I was feeling with open arms.

"I love and miss you, too, momma," tears stung my eyes once more. "I have been having dreams...visions may be a better word, of Derek. He is trapped and being tortured, and I am not sure how much longer he can hold on." The gusts began to grow a bit stronger in force. Momma is upset now, I can sense her tears, her anger.

"I sent Spirit to help keep him alive a little longer, just until we are able to find him. I have this sense that he knows it was me and sees it as a way of me being there with him." I need help finding him in time, momma.

Just like that, the wind began to change direction and I could no longer feel the embraceful gusts. "Momma? No, don't leave, not yet."

"Come, my child."

((Unfinished right now))

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