Chapter Eight - Derek

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Singing. All I could hear was this sweet enchanting singing. I opened my eyes, where am I? I distractedly thought to myself. I looked around, but to my avail, there was nothing but wonderful colored flowers and free flowing willow trees as far as the eye could see. Am I alone? Did that evil put me here? I had begun to wonder.

"Hello?" I hollered curiously. Hmm, I pondered.

It did not come to me until a few moments later. Oh, right! I placed myself in a Spirit induced trance. Holy shit, I did this? I thought as it suddenly sunk in.

Singing. I suddenly remembered that beautiful singing. I must find the woman to this voice. I had begun wondering aimlessly around this vast land. There were so many different shades of pinks and purples with splashes of yellow from the sea of flowers. The aroma that danced in the gentle passing breeze was intoxicating, and it caused me to stop all movements, close my eyes, and embrace my surroundings.

Moments had passed me by as I reveled in the pure bliss that was surrounding me. The relief that I had felt from not being in that hellhole as I was slowly tortured to near death. I could stay here forever, I thought. I took one last deep intake of breath before heading off to continue my journey to find that woman that belongs to that magnificent voice dancing in my ears.


I had been wandering around this vast land for a few hours before I finally spotted a hidden trail about 100 yards ahead.

The evening sun had just begun to set as I made my way through the tall sea of grass and reached this hidden pathway. Fuck, it is getting difficult to see anything. If only Blaise was here to lead the way with her handy element, Fire, I thought.

I had begun to walk along this path the best that I could with only the lighting of the full moon guiding me. This place truly is magnificent, I thought to myself as I looked up at the luminescent full moon. While I had been drinking up the beauty of the moon, I had noticed that the ground had begun to shake beneath me. What the..., I thought nervously right before the ground gave way and I had begun to fall.

Am I dreaming? I thought to myself as I opened my eyes to a thin mist. The space I found myself in was vast and almost empty like. To my surprise, it was not too dark in this mysterious unknown. I looked around and saw a figure in the distance; a woman. She was absolutely breathtaking. Her dark auburn hair framed her lightly tanned face in a way that made her emerald green eyes seem to glow. Her thick hair cascaded halfway down her back in loose ringlets.

"Blaise, is that you?"

"Hello, Derek," she said in an unrecognized voice as soft as a gentle breeze running through a meadow as she made her way over towards me. Something about her seemed oddly familiar, but I could not put my finger on it just yet.

"Uhm, who are you?" I asked cautiously, more than ready to use Spirit if need be. Fire would probably be a bit more useful in a potentially dangerous situation, I thought sarcastically.

"That is not important right now. Time is of the essence, so we must hurry. Come." This unnamed woman, no, this unnamed goddess waved for me to follow her lead. Oddly enough, I picked myself up off the cool rigged ground and started to follow somewhat behind her.

"What is this place?" I asked as I peered around as we made our way through these disturbingly clean tunnels. "Wait a minute," I said as it dawned on me, "do you live here?"

Scattered all over the tunnel walls came illuminating lights, sort of like stars in a cloudless midnight sky. Beautiful, I thought. Where you would think to see rocks scattered around from the tunnels crumbling where spotless marble floors. The flooring popped out against the dark grey tunnel walls.

"Where are you taking me? Who are you?" I repeated as I continued to reluctantly follow this goddess of a woman I had never seen before. We continued to walk in silence for what felt like forever until we reached what I assumed to be a well-managed cave.

It was like a world of its own. There was vegetation everywhere and you could hear the sweet music of the wildlife the filled it. It is like a second Rhiage; one that was untouched by the evil spreading through it by this ancient evil.

Finally, the woman turned towards me and said, "Derek, my sweet, sweet boy." She took a few steps towards me, filling the space between us. She reached her arm up and caressed my face, a sweet smile spread across her face as tears filled her eyes.

"W-who are you...?"

"We are almost there, come," she turned on her heal and continued to move forward.

((Unfinished right now))   

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