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Your POV

"L/n!" I heard my last name being yelled from across the Great Hall, and immediately regretted not ignoring the voice when I looked up and realized it was Draco Malfoy. I couldn't pretend I hadn't heard him, either- Our eyes met when I looked up at the sound of my name.

"Bloddy fucking hell." I mumbled to myself, packing my things into my bag as quick as I could and turning to leave, only to be pulled back and to the floor by my robes.

"Oh no, L/n fell! That reminds me of you falling off your broom and loosing the game for your team last quiddich mach." Malfoy said, a smirk plastered on his face.

I gave him a cold glare as I stood, not breaking eye contact, "Shouldn't you be off somewhere snogging Pansy?"

Draco reached to draw out his want from the pocket of his robes, but I got mine out faster than he did, his hand wasn't even out of his pocket. I aimed and was about to say a spell.

"Y/n L/n! Are you drawing a wand on a student? 50 points from your house, and detention in my office at 9pm. Don't be late." Snape said from behind me, and I could see Draco's smirk grow as he pulled out an apple and took a bite, acting as if he wasn't reaching for his want at all.

I let out a deep sigh and stuffed my wand back into my robes, shoving past Draco without even turning to acknowledge Snape.

When 8:45pm came around, I pulled on my robes and set off for Snape's office, wanting to be there a bit early just in case.

The door was open and I walked in, and sitting in a chair being lectured by Snape was none other than Harry Potter.

"Ah, and here's your cleaning buddy." Snape said, leaning back a bit in his chair. Harry turned to look at me as I responded to Snape.

"His what?"

"Cleaning buddy, of course. You'll be clesning my office, it's gotten quite messy the last few weeks. No using magic. And don't try to snoop, I've put spells around this whole room that will alert me if you're doing something youre not supposed to." Snape said, standing and walking toward the door. I moved to let him through and he shut it behind him with a wave of his wand.

I turned to Harry, "So what'd you do?"

"What?" he replied, seeming taken aback.

"To get detention, obviously. What'd you do?"

"Oh, yeah. I was caught trying to make Goyle levitate in the halls."

"Nice. Snape caught me drawing my wand on Malfoy. I thought he was gonna pull out his wand and then he comes up with a damn apple." I said, turning to grab a broom that's been propped against the wall. Harry stood and grabbed a featherduster, and we got to work. We talked all through the 3 hour detention and actually became pretty close, we found out we had a lot in common.

A few minutes before Snape was supposed to return, Harry spoke up, "Hey, Y/n."


"Wouls you ever wanna hang out sometime?"

"Are you asking me on a date, Harry Potter?" I smiled, looking over at him.

His face went beet red, "N-No, unless you want to-"

"I'd love to."

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