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(i literally haven't updated in a month jesus christ. but follow my other acc starrysirius)
(i also realize this dosen't really fo with the plot of the books but idc its just a fanfic)

Your POV

I turned and walked directly back out of my house the moment I walked in. There is absolutely no way in hell that Sirius Orion Black, who is supposed to be crazy and in Azkaban, is sitting on my living room couch right now.

Taking a deep breath, I turned and walked back through the door. There was no longer a dirt covered, long haired man sitting on my couch reading the paper. I let out a sigh and turned to close the door behind me before going to sit and rest my feet.

It was when I was about to sit down that I realized there was a large patch of dirt now coating my couch, and a black dog laying on the floor next to it, staring at me. I stared back.

"You're supposed to be in Azkaban. You're supposed to be going insane right now- how are you in my living room?" I moved away a few steps, thinking that if he really was crazy I didn't want to be near him.

He transformed out of his Animagus form, "Twelve years without seeing me and that's the hello I get? Damn, and I called myself your boyfriend."

I let a smile make it's way across my face, "You haven't changed a bit, Sirius. But you could've cleaned yourself off instead od leaving a trail of dirt everywhere." I drew my wand and cast a quick cleaning spell on Sirius and my couch.

"Well, now that I'm dirt-free, can I have a hug?" Sirius said, holding out his arms. I smiled and shook my head a bit before stepping into his arms, wrapping mine around his torso as he was taller than me.

"I've really missed you, Y/n." Sirius whispered, "I know you've probably moved on by now, but there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you. It wasn't just you that I thought of, I mean, that'd be creepy but you get my point."

"I've missed you too, Sirius, so much. After you got sent off to Azkaban Remus had to drag me out of my house every day for two months or else I'd stay inside for days." I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Well, I'm here to stay this time. I'm not leaving again, I promise you that, Y/n."

"I realise this might not be a good time but... would you like to try again? I've never really moved on, honestly. I've been on dates and such but my mind always just went back to you."

"I'd like that." Sirius said, backing away and smiling, "So where is Remus these days?"

"Right now he's teaching at Hogwarts. Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'll owl him and tell him to take a few days off so you guys can catch up, yeah? I'll use the name Snuffles, don't worry."

(i might make a part 2 to this but i dunno. this kinda seems unfinished,,its more of a filler chapter tbh but im not dead and i'll try to update more often!!)

Harry Potter | Imagines + PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora