Chapter Twenty Five--March to Altera (Pt.2)

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On the fifth night, Erianthe heard a change during the training session. Instead of the usual screech of metal, a small flurry of sparks pierced the air whenever Erianthe collided swords with Erik. It happened again when Erianthe forced the man to take a step back.

Erianthe smiled. "Something happened."

"Yes. You're getting better at it," Erik said. "One more time or would you like to rest?"

"Once more please."

For the rest of the night, Erianthe's small achievement lifted her mood. Though the small spark was a tiny drop of water compared to the huge, problematic flame the Rogues presented, it gave Erianthe hope. Erik was fulfilling his promise to help her grow stronger.

Erianthe and the heroes of Lyca sat around the fire and passed around food. Everyone was silent as they listened to Raios' instructions. After a few days traveling with this man, Erianthe's reservations about Raios had weakened. If Atalae, Chris, and Erik all trusted him, she could to, at least a little.

"Tomorrow we're stopping in Mellion's town," Raios said. "After we exchange words with each other, we'll head on a straight course for Altera. Any breaks we take will be during the night or rests for the horses. Any problems?"

"Will Mellion be coming with us?" Erik asked. "Any other heroes?"

"Unsure. He is troubled with the recent sightings of Hector. As for the others, they have all answered with a polite no. Also occupied with the recent monster attacks."

Erianthe and Chris waited quietly as the adults talked with each other. For some reason, the boy couldn't make eye contact with Erianthe. Instead, Chris poked at the fire with the metal end of his staff.

Interrupting the talks, Chris asked, "Are the Rogues really at Altera?"

As if they all needed a moment to register his question, the rest of the group paused their conversations.

Atalae spoke first. "Yes . . . that's what Erianthe's friend said."

"I don't trust him," Chris said.

At this, Erianthe turned to the boy. "Why?"

"He was the Rogues prisoner, or so he says. What if he lied to us? Worse yet, what if he's working with the Rogues?"

Erianthe's sense of achievement vanished.

The absurdity of the idea that Kyros' was working with the Rogues made Erianthe pause for a minute. She couldn't believe him. Worse yet, neither Erik or Atalae opposed this boy's question. Whether or not they believed Chris' doubts to be true, Erianthe tensed under the idea that they could have been considering it.

Erianthe narrowed her eyes. "There is no way that Kyros would do that."

"How do you know that?" Chris retorted.

The confidence from earlier turned into big, bright anger. Ignoring Atalae's attempts at defusing the situation, Erianthe stood up and confronted Chris directly.

"Are you mad? Why would he have any reason to willingly stay with the Rogues? They destroyed our hometown. Killed his mother." Erianthe's voice rose. "Who in their right mind would help the Rogues after that?"

"He could still be lying." Chris stood as well. "Who knows? Maybe he cut a deal with the Rogues. He made one to protect you, after all, unless he was lying."

That one remark made Erianthe explode.

"The moon would split into pieces before Kyros did that."

Erianthe took a step closer to Chris.

"The sun would disappear before Kyros did that. He wants more than any of us to take the Rogues down. Just because he decided that being a good prisoner was worth protecting me does not mean he lied!"

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