Chapter 19: Hidden Figure

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And here is the promised soon to follow chapter. Hope you like it. Enjoy!

Hidden Figure's POV:

The Black Swordsman walked down the street of the small town on level 22 hand in hand with his wife and daughter. His wife held a small infant, I think it's a boy, but I can't be sure. All I know is that that child's dad is for some reason of special interest to my client right now. Even though the target in question is currently in my clients employ. I followed him around as he and his family had a day on the town. For the most part I was bored as I'll get out following them. It was only after they got home that something interesting happened. Oh! My client will definitely want to know about this.

The masked figure quickly uses a teleportation crystal to retreat away from the house. Knowing that Hiruma gave him this assignment for this exact reason.

<Flashback> (Kirito & Asuna's house, ten minutes ago)

Kirito's POV:

"What should we do with these weapons Asuna?" Kirito asked. Kirito had taken a second glance at the weapons he was carrying in his inventory. What he had found and to his complete surprise, is that these weapons had godlike stats. Kirito could imagine it. Put one of these weapons in the hands of the wrong person and all of Aincrad would suffer for it. But he didn't know what to do with them. He couldn't turn them in, but if he didn't, then he would be branded a traitor, and that was the last thing he needed.

Asuna sat down next to Kirito as he continued to think over the situation. "Kirito, it may be time to take it into consideration that we might simply have to leave the guild. You've put in a great deal of service. It isn't unthinkable that you might simply be done fighting like this."

"Like Hiruma would just let me go because I want to retire. You know he would do everything in his power to keep at least one of our swords in play for him. We are the threat he can use to push the other factions around. You know that. And I just proved his point on my last mission by going through a couple hundred players by myself."

"But Kirito, you said it yourself that only a few of them could've been over level forty judging by their equipment. Don't hold yourself so invaluable that you think all is lost. Either you can ask to leave the guild peacefully, or we can just leave. This isn't even Blood Knight territory. The only reason you are not in Klein's guild is because Klein didn't mind you doing so."

Kirito sighed. "You're right Asuna, I need to simply put it out there that I am retiring. There is only one problem then. What to do with these godlike weapons. We can't hope to keep them. I will be asked to turn them in before I go if nothing else."

Asuna rolled her eyes and gave Kirito a hug. "It's simple. Here, let me see one of those weapons."

Kirito pulled a dagger out of his inventory, handing it to Asuna. Her eyes widened. She looked at Kirito in disbelief. "Is this for real." Kirito nodded sadly. Asuna sat back, the reality of the situation setting in. She was so distracted by this realization that she doesn't notice her hand putting down the dagger, or the little pair of three-year old hands that pick it up and wander off with it.

"Then we have one choice." Asuna said with determination. "We need to flee to the wild floors: Floor 73 or 74 should do. Something that most players would die in if they dared to enter. That would limit who could actually follow us and live. Then we just need a place to lie low. Somewhere out of the way that no one would bother checking."

Kirito got a smile on his face. "I think I have a place in mind. Don't worry. Now, we need to pack up quickly. The last thing we need is to be stopped."

Asuna looked out the window for a second.

"What is it?" Kirito asked.

"Thought I saw something, or someone."

"Then we better leave right now, come on." Kirito said, jumping up and running out of the room to go and get everything ready.

<End Flashback>

Hiruma's POV:

Hiruma paced in front of his desk. "You're sure of this information?" He asked, turning to face the desk. The masked figure nodded in reply from his seat on top of said desk. "Heard it with my own two ears. Those two are planning to desert. And they plan to take those weapons you sent that swordsman for with them. Something about them being too powerful to be turned in."

"Well." Hiruma said with a grin. "We'll just see about that." He opened his menu and sent a message. A moment later, the doors on the other side of the room opened.

"Yes sir." The man who opened them said.

"Summon the team captains to me. I have a mission for them."

"At once sir."

Hiruma smiled again as the man closed the door. "Don't think you can just run off with my weapons Kirito." He thought to himself. "I will have them, and there is nothing you can do to prevent me from doing so."

He turned as the captains all filed into his office. "Gentlemen. Today will be your hardest mission yet..."

And that should set you all up just nicely for next chapter. Yes I know it's short, but bear with me. Next chapter will be much longer. Tune in next time. But until then...BYE!!!

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