Episode 10: Amara Vindictae

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[Episode starts in total blackness. Intro credits in pitch black with depressed theme and sudden sounds of struggle. After credits; bag is taken off of the General's head. General is sitting in a room with three men in front of him, two interrogators and Valentine.]

Valentine: Good morning Sir. Welcome to my ship.

Wolf: Well... I'm glad you're still alive... it'll be way more fun when I let this ship drift off into space with you inside.

Valentine: Glad to see you're still an angry bastard.

Wolf: I'm glad to see you're still a bitch.

Valentine: Insulting a man in his own ship?

Wolf: Brave wouldn't you say?

Valentine: Foolish.

Wolf: I prefer fucking savage but sure... that's fine.

Valentine: Ok then, if you want to get straight into it... I want to leave.

Wolf: Leave what?

Valentine: Everything. The order, the rebellion, this sector.

Wolf: Too bad.

Valentine: Why?

Wolf: Because I'm gonna kill you.

Valentine: So much anger.

Wolf: You expected any less?

Valentine: Maybe something other than anger.

Wolf: I'm happy to disappoint.

Valentine: ... You hate me... don't you?... Despite me being alongside you for years... even when you passed me off as a your least capable Commander.

Wolf: I despise you. I told you and yours that I don't take lightly to betrayal. There is no excuse for treachery, specially when it directly results in the defeat in a major battle involving the recapture of Earth.

Valentine: I did what I had to do to get out.

Wolf: You did this for yourself. I was right in passing you off as my the lesser of any of my Commanders.

[Valentine walks off brigg and nods to interrogators to commence interrogation. Camera remains with Wolf. Silence. Interrogators prepare their tools.]

[Cut to flashback of Wolf being interrogated in a dark room. Man reaches for a short bloodied knife.]

Wolf: I hope you know how to use that. I wouldn't want you to get cut.

[Man chuckles. Man reaches over and carves Wolf's chest.]

Interrogator: Tell me... you ever been married? Children?

[Man stabs the knife into Wolf's thigh and leaves it. Then stands and lightly slaps Wolf in the cheek]

Interrogator: Come on... tell me... wife? Yes, no? Left her? Widow?

Wolf: She left. I stayed. Then I left. Never heard from her again.

Interrogator: You a player?

Wolf: No... just dabbled in women, especially older women... I like them fat... oh yeah your mother should give me a call sometime, she sounds like my type.

[Interrogator slaps Wolf and and takes the knife out of his leg. Wolf keeps laughing.]

[Cut back to man also carving up Wolf's chest and Wolf laughing desperately]

Wolf: You guys have a book or something.

Interrogator: Huh... you think your-

[Punches Wolf]

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