Episode 14: An Unfitting End

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[Wolf is in a Woodwind ship being escorted by two guards into the hangar of the ship.]

Wolf: Damn your strong, you work out?

[Drums can be heard rumbling faintly. Wolf enters the hanger and sees Admiral Sitton.]

Wolf: Hello I'm guessing you're the man I've been fighting. I'm General Wolf.

Sitton: I know who you are. You were a High Brass, were you not?

Wolf: Yes, I am a part of a nearly extinct species... like wolves.

Sitton: Nearly?

[A sudden loud boom from drums can be heard.]

Wolf: Oh I get it, you're gonna do the villain thing and say "you can consider yourself dead" or something like that.

Sitton: Where did you hear that?

Wolf: Movies.

Sitton: Lieutenant bring Commander Hailey out.

[The lieutenant calls over two guards that then bring in a beaten Commander and sit him down in front of the General.]

Wolf: You mother fucker. HEY, Hey, you better not fucking die Matthew. Matthew!

Cmdr. Hailey: Sir...

Sitton: Tell me General, are you a good man?... ANSWER.

[Sitton shoots Commander Hailey in the stomach.]


[Wolf stands and throws himself at Sitton with himself being still tied to the chair but is barely restrained by four guards and then punched multiple times.]

Sitton: Stop. Answer the question.

Wolf: No.

Sitton: Are you a good leader?

Wolf: You have Commander Hailey over there to ask him. Hey Matthew! Matthew? MATTHEW?

Sitton: Considering your Commander is dead, I'd say the answer is no.

Wolf: YOU SON OF A BITCH, I swear to god once I get my hands on you I'll suffocate you with the fingers of your guards.

Sitton: I had heard you were an angry man with a short temper. Well General... this time your anger means nothing. You can scream and threaten all you want, you mean nothing. Stand him up.

[Two guards hold Wolf and another releases him from the chair, then stand him up.]

Sitton: You are going to die now.

[Sitton shoots Wolf's foot, forcing him to fall to the ground, then grabs the cynical General by his hair and raises him, making him kneel then places his pistol on the General's head.]

Sitton: When your god comes to take you to the place you hold sacred, wait, what remains of your brethren will soon join you.

[You see from the eyes of Wolf, the screen tints red as Sitton slowly pulls the trigger of his pistol. The weapon fires and the bullet can be felt piercing his skin, then breaking his skull, the force of the pistol being fired yanks his head violently, and only warmth can be felt as the blood from the wound spills and runs down his forehead and nose and chin and chest, and before he feels the floor his, what was left of his soul, is gone. Bagpipes play "We Were Soldiers". The End.]

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