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There's a swing in my backyard

and it moves with the wind

sometimes when I'm down,

and I picture a young girl

with brown eyes and thick, dark hair

and a big, wide smile

and a bump in the back of her head

from falling down too many times.

She's scared of skating, and sometimes swinging too

afraid she'll fall and hurt herself,

but she tries

and sometimes it's worth it,

and when it's not she doesn't mind

(she never learned how to skate... but)

just comes back for candies and love,

she''s too beautiful, too simple.

And sometimes she catches me staring

but she smiles and waves

not caring who I am or what I want,

and before I can wave back

she vanishes, to somewhere no one can find her;

I think she loves to play hide and seek.

But that little girl isn't her anymore,

right now she sits in a cramped room

writing down her self 'cause there's no other way

to let it out without breaking herself,

writing about how much she misses her little self.

She's still scared of falling, even more,

but she doesn't even try,

too tired of always being broken

of always being torn pages and nothing more,

of always being a big smiling frown.

That little girl has grown up,

will grow up more

but she's still afraid of letting go.

I'm afraid of letting go.


hello my beautiful readers! how are you today?

so my monthly tests just finished off and i'm celebrating by posting again. i just posted another chapter of SLEEPING PILLS which i completed yesterday. it's not long( that is so meee) and i'm not entirely happy with it but i guess it's at least progress. i'm planning on writing more these few days and my summer vacations are starting next week.

tell me what you think of this poem down in the comments. i appreciate all suggestions and criticism. vote if you liked it.

and congratulations if you read the whole a/n. anyways, random question: WHAT ARE SOME GOOD SONGS TO LISTEN TO WHILE WRITING?

hope you have a good day

Bhorum x

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