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A soul is like a fire

too pure, yet too destroying

and so is a heart, and a mind,

pure, but too fatal sometimes.

Eyes get too dark, pupils blown out

not out of fond, or mere attraction,

but of hunger

for naivety, selfishness, loneliness.

We prey on love, happiness,

the feeling of soaring in the sky,


Eat out the emotions alive

but the fire never extinguishes,

it only grows for more

and we destroy everything, everything.

But a devil can't feed on one of its own kind

and we forget sometimes;

animals we are, smelling pure fear

feeling the voices flood everywhere,

temptations too high to stop.

And yet again we try to hurt evil,

try to burn fire itself

and turn ourselves to ashes

never figuring out what went wrong

where it went wrong.

Because when dark souls are hurt

they don't hide in safety blankets

they don't turn to snotty pillows

they don't pour rivers down their cheeks,

they cry blood.


OK... so i feel like this wasn't exactly the kind of poems i usually write idk why. but i was in a different kind of element while writing this one. i don't commonly use this much metaphors in my poetry and this one felt too indirect in many terms to me. but i think this one can be comprehended in many ways by the reader so i'm happy. i quite like this one

so, thoughts about CRYING BLOOD? tell me what you think of it in the comments. please vote if you liked it, it means a lot to me

have a good time!

B xx

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