Riverdale High

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Beep! Beep! Zachary's alarm went off at 8 am in the morning. Zachary groaned and slapped his alarm off his dresser, quickly shutting the alarm off. Zachary pulled himself out of bed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush his teeth. He decided to be different this year, especially since Veronica and him made a pact. After all, it was a new town so why not start over? El cambio es bueno (change is good), Zachary thought. Kinda like what his dad would say. Zachary got out the shower and started to get dressed.

(The clothes Zachary is wearing for the first day of school

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(The clothes Zachary is wearing for the first day of school.)
Zachary grabbed his book bag and raced downstairs. "Bye mom, I don't have time for breakfast so see you later." Zachary rushed as he kissed his mom on the cheek before running to next door of his' and Veronica's new house, the Pembrooke. Zachary raced to Veronica's apartment and knocked. "Good morning, Hermione." Zachary said, smiling as he stood before Mrs. Lodge. "Morning, Zachary. How's Melissa doing?" "Better than she did before we moved." He answered. "Well that's good. Ronnie's in her room." She responded. Zachary nodded and made his way to Veronica's room and knocked on the door. "Come in, Zacky!" She yelled. "How'd you know it was me?" Zachary questioned as he walked in and plopped down on Veronica's bed. "Because you're the only person who knows where I live...And my mom doesn't knock." Veronica said sarcastically before grabbing her handbag, then grabbing Zachary's hand and pulling him along with her. They left the apartment and decided to walk to school. They got there relatively fast and stood in front of their new school, Riverdale High. "Ronnie," Zachary said as Veronica turned her head towards her best friend. "Yes?" She asked. "Remember our pact. I'm gonna try not to be a rude, rich asshole and you are not going to be old Veronica. El cambio es bueno." Zachary reminded his best friend. Veronica nodded, "Agreed. But you sure as heck don't dress like a good boy, James Bond," She said as she wrapped her arm around the chuckling boy's arm and entered the high school. Almost immediately, Betty arrived in front of the two. "There you are!" Betty exclaimed as she smiled at the two. "So, I usually start off my tours with a little history and context." Betty spoke, leading the two through the halls of the high school. "Riverdale High first opened its doors in 1941 and-" "And hasn't been redecorated since, apparently." Veronica cut in as Zachary sent a smile her way, getting one in return.
"Honestly, I feel like I'm wandering through the lost epilogue of Our Town." "Uh-huh." Betty said, smiled at the new girl but clearly annoyed that Veronica interrupted her. "So what's the social scene like here? Any night clubs?" Veronica asked, linking her arm in Zachary's, something she always did. Before Betty could speak, a brunette haired boy made his way over and put his arm over Betty's shoulder. "A strip club called the Ho Zone and a tragic gay bar called Innuendo. Friday nights, football games and then tailgate parties at the Mallmart parking lot. Saturday night is movie night, regardless of what's playing at the Bijou, and you better get there early, because we don't have reserved seating in Riverdale. And Sunday nights Thank God for HBO but enough about that. Who might you be?" The boy asked, gawking over Zachary. Gay but in a good way, Zachary thought. "Veronica Lodge, Zachary Taylor, Kevin Keller." Betty introduced them instead. "Veronica and Zachary are new here. Kevin is-" "gay, thank God. Let's be best friends." Veronica said, cutting Betty off again. "Hey! What about me?" Zachary whined, pouting. He's so adorable, Betty thought, smiling at Zachary which Kevin noticed, eyebrows furrowed but smirking at the blonde. She shook the thought away and sent a look to Kevin that was yelling, we just met. "You know I love you." Veronica warned, nudging his shoulder. "I might start to love you if you let me get to know you." Kevin interrupted, flirting with Zachary who laughed it off. "Thanks for the offer but I'm pretty sure I like girls, unless I've been lying to myself for the past 16 years." Zachary said, earning a laugh from the three around him. "Is it true what they say about your parents?"Kevin said, quickly changing the mood. "That he's the devil incarnate?" Veronica said. "And mine's is the incarnate's monstrous sidekick?" Zachary questioned. "I stand by my father." Veronica answered, confidently. "As do I." Zachary said, just as confidently as Veronica. "Does everyone here know?" They asked.  Betty and Kevin did not speak but their eyes answered the question for them. "Wonderful." Veronica said as the best friends sighed. "Ten minutes in and I'm already the Blue Jasmine of Riverdale High." Veronica stated, rolling her eyes. "What does that make me?" Zachary asked, playfully. "My Aladdin." Veronica said, smiling. "Or you could be Jafer's parrot. Since, you're always, you know, bugging me." She said, Zachary sarcastically chuckled before rolling his eyes with a smile and nudging her. Kevin and Betty smiled at their interaction, it showed how close the two were. They then continued the tour, walking through the halls with Kevin at their sides.
"Oh! There's the hottie we were with last night. The red-headed Ansel Elgort." Veronica said as Zachary remembered him to be Archie. "Is he your boyfriend?" "No, he's straight." "No, we're just friends." Kevin and Betty answered at the same time. "In that case, mind putting in a word? I've tried every flavor of boy but orange." Veronica said as Zachary made a gagging face which made Betty laugh. "Actually, to clarify Betty and Archie aren't dating, but they are endgame." Kevin interrupted. Zachary furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Betty and she already had her head down. Well that sucks, Zachary thought, he had started to like the green- eyed blonde ponytail haired girl. "You should ask him to the semiformal then." Veronica encouraged. "She should, but I heard it might be getting canceled. Because of what happened to Jason." Kevin said. "They're gonna tell us at the assembly." Betty whispered back. "Who's Jason and what happened to him?" The new kids asked as Betty and Kevin just sent them looks.

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