"A Surprise That Never Existed..."

127 2 38

(Detroit: Become Human Dream)

I remember that it was night time and that it was raining, I was walking on the road near by a mall with someone with me, and me and this person we're young like around 5th or 6th grade, we both ran across the freeway in a way since there wasn't many car passing by. Soon as we both came across to a tall building, that had around 12 or 13 floors, we both came inside the building, waved to each other and went to our separate ways.

As I walked around the building, I soon realize it was a school and some how I acted like I been here for so many years being here.

I went to a room were it was full of kids and they were wearing a PE uniforms, I went to find my uniform and prepared to start PE.

As time flies for a bit after all the students doing there routine one of the staff told the students to go lineup side-by-side in a straight, while everyone did as they were told, a girl name "Melanie" put her leg out making a female student trip and fell, and as I witness the event I really didn't know what to do so my emotions took over, I ran and grabbed either a small table or a chair and threw it across the room, everyone and the victim looked at me in some concern, worried, scared, annoyed, expression.

Just realized what I just did but I was still upset and feeling annoyed. I told everyone "I needed some time to think" so I left the room and saw 2 of my friends. I explained them that happen during PE and as I was explaining the incident a different staff came in and told me either I had a visitor today or "There's someone who you need to see."

I told my friends my goodbyes and fallow the staff, we went back to the PE room but this time all the students were watching I'm guessing a movie in sitting on chairs. I looked around the room and saw something different there was an adult in the room with the kids, but I had never seen him in this building before so I knew he wasn't from this here, I could tell by his uniform different from the other staff that work here.

Soon as I was still staring at him he turned around and saw me and he waved at me, I walked over and sat on a chair next to him on his left side and I just looked at him in a embarrassed and shy way since I'm really not that open to new people that I see. "Hi there, my name is Connor and I'm the android that's is going to adopt you." He said. And to be honest I really didn't know that he was an android, he looks so human and even talks human. "hi Connor" I said quietly and a nervous voice I soon introduce myself to him and told him that I cannot wait to go to Connor's Apartment and live a better life.

But then I remember the incident that happened in PE, I got angry again but this time I just stood there and turning my hands into a fists. Connor notice my body language, and saw how I was shaking. "Are you feeling ok? You seem a bit upset.." I faced Connor, "I'm just.." I sighed "Something happened at PE...and-" I was going to explain to him what happened but he told me in a smooth calming voice like as if he was singing a Lullaby, "hey it's ok what happened just happened, don't worry about it, it's now in the past." He slowly holds my little hands and smile at me, "and hey, we wouldn't want to disturb or distract the students around us do we?" And added a little teasingly joke. I nodded my head and smiled at Connor.





*wakes up, gets up from bed*

"WHAT?! NOOOOO!!! It was just a DREAM?! God Damm it..."


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