"A Twisted Dream Land Adventure" Part 3

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(Disney, Gravity Falls Dream)

As I woke up...again...
I saw my surroundings, it look like I was in a theme park, as I was walking around I saw some familiar faces, these were my friends...my friends from school, I was sort of wondering why my friends would be in the this kind of theme park.

but I don't know... even "my group" was here. By what I mean "my group" I mean my friends.

If your asking why I'm saying "why would they be in a theme park like this?"

The reason is place was dark sort of, the rides were sort of life and death rides I guess....

Later as I saw "my group" coming with me, it was getting late soon.

I saw an old man closing a door as he was about to say something I turned and looked at a dead corpse delayed or something hit me.

There was a zombie apocalypse.

I ran to the nearest door... and closed it behind me, as I closed it
I noticed that there were some people in here.

The random guy so I'm their friend ran through the door trying to find her other friends but I pulled him back and close the door he started yelling like why I pulled him, I couldn't explain to him because there was an apocalypse happening now....

There were some "creatures" coming so I told everyone to rush to the nearest door since this one is about to fall down...

I knew this was a nightmare/dream but usually I can't wake up easily.... want to wake up I just have to like concentrate to wake up!

I saw a triangle figure,
It was the same figure I saw last time, for some reason I felt like it was staring at me,
I knew who it was but...right now wasn't the moment to "react" about this...

I just wanted to wake up....


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