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So one of the main things about this story is that it includes a yandere,

Yandere in summary means sick love.

I hesitated to add this character into this story because I've never written a yandere before.

But the storyline that the original creator (voice actor: Bear's Audio Emporium, whom you can find on youtube!) formed for these characters seems to have given this character a very important role in his storyline and I felt that I'd be missing a large portion of the story by not including him.

If you're someone who's already been around my writing for a while then you know that I write lots of sweet romances and on the deep end of my writing I might have one mafia style book and thriller/horror.

Uhm...when I was doing research on yanderes I learned that they are often portrayed (or the explaination for their behavior) is that they have some form of a split personality disorder and I know that for those who have mental illnesses in real life it can suck to be portrayed by crazy unstable characters and tropes.

So I wasn't sure that I wanted to add Ruby into the story. And again another worry of mine is the possessive nature of yanderes and the sexual "forcing upon the main character".

I don't like to romantizes these things, and if you're an older reader then you know that I try to show a bit of the ugly side just to bring a bit of realism.

And again I've mentioned this stuff in my mafia book—I do not want to take these topics too lightly and brush them like they're nothing

The same way that I don't want to make being a part of a gang just seem like its about looking sexy in fishnet while twirling a gun, is the same way that I don't want a yandere to be an acceptable form of love—I mean obviously it's not okay to kill people but I feel that the harassment and sexual threats can be overlooked at times.

Perhaps its brushed off because its imagined as a form of bdsm by listeners who consented to the harsh treatment by choosing to listen to the audios or stories and immerse themselves in the abuse to begin with—therefore losing any real sense of danger.

Or perhaps readers/listeners enjoy the thought that someone loves them so deeply that they would go to these bloody extremes to have them, which seems low key sadistic but that's a TOTALLY different topic.

(or I could just be completely wrong in my analyzes...it's too early in the morning and I'm already philosophizing)

I want to portray these characters as closely to the way the original writer created them—so while I'm usually reserved with characters such as yanderes, I know that I'll be missing a vital character and the point of me writing this is to support Bears Audio Emporium and all of his characters and all of the work that he has put into the storyline—So excluding one character is no option. ♡

So I will not be dulling down Ruby's role—rather I will be inhancing it to show the damage that he can cause.

OH. and for those who came from BEAR'S AUDIO EMPORIUM.(first off, hey how ya doin)

I may not portray characters as accurately as you'd like. I do not have enough information to go off of as we all know that the storyline is still being revealed to us, so this is my depiction of Bear's World.

I also am a very plot focused writer, I know most of you came for Ruby and Ambrose etc...and I will show as much of them as I can—however some scenes may not have these characters in them

and the MC in this story is you, but I do give you a name—the reason being because most of those who read my works prefer me to name them instead of using the traditional "y/n" as many people find that to be very cringy and uncomfortable.

With this being said, I condone NOTHING in this story, these characters views are NOT my views, these characters actions are NOT my actions.

Likewise I DO NOT OWN Ruby, Asuke, Ambrose, or Alice—they belong to
Bear's Audio Emporium.

So in summary...




Wanna check out Bear's Audio Emporium?
I left one of his videos at the start of this chapter and I'll leave a link to his channel here.


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