Part 2: Grandpa

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Roger's POV

Anna and I sat down at a table at Roni's. I was very pleased that she said yes to hanging out with me. I felt this connection to her that I couldn't explain or understand, I just know it's there.

"So officer Rogers..." Anna started.

"You can call me Daniel," I said.

"Okay, Daniel," she said smiling. "Tell me about yourself," she said.

I smiled back at her. "Well, there's really not that much to tell. I am a cop but recently got promoted to detective," I said.

"Wow," she said. "Do you enjoy it, being a detective?" She asked.

I smiled. "Well other than my partner who doesn't let me do anything except his dirty work, yeah I enjoy it," I said. "What about you? What does a beautiful bartender like yourself do other than serve drinks," I said.

Anna blushed lightly, "Well I have two daughters, Hannah who is nine and Lila who is five, but other than that, I don't really have any other family," She said shrugging.

I sucked in my breath sharply. If she had children there must be another man in the picture. I was so stupid to think that a women like that wouldn't be taken.

Anna must of seen the look on my face and quickly shook her head.

"My husband walked out on us right before Lila was born," she said quickly.

I let out a breath and my face softened. "I'm sorry about your husband," I said.

She smiled at me. "Ex-husband," she corrected. "And it's okay. We've gotten a lot better. I didn't have the best relationship with him anyways. It was almost a good thing that he left," I said.

"Optimism, I like it," I said as she laughed. "Tell me about your children," I said.

"Well Hannah is very smart and very optimistic about everything. She's sometimes the voice of reasoning in our house," she said chuckling, "And Lila is just a ball of energy. She always has something to say and always is doing something. She's very exhausting sometimes," she said laughing.

I laughed with her. "Well they sound wonderful," I said.

Listening to Anna talk about her children sounded weird to me, it was like I already knew that about them even though I had never met them. I shook my head. I had to shake these feelings of familiarity away, but I couldn't.

We sat there talking a laughing for hours, until we finally had to go home. It was the middle of the night and Roni had gone to watch Hannah and Lila for Anna but she felt bad for leaving her there so long.

As we exited the bar, I found my hand searching for hers, like a force of habit. I quickly drew it away however, thinking that that might be to soon. However, it seemed she had been thinking the same thing and we walked home with our fingers interlaced.

The next day, I was about to walk into the station when I heard a voice behind me.

"Did you catch the fight last night?"

I turned around to find a young girl standing behind me.

"Excuse me?" I asked. "You were the one who called in the fight?"

"My names Lucy," she said. "And I'm your granddaughter,"

I stifled a laugh. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have a granddaughter," I said. What the hell was this child talking about?

She completely ignored me and moved on. "Did you talk to Anna last night?" She asked excitedly.

"How do you know about that?" I asked. I shook my head. This child obviously had problems. "Look, you should be in school. Where are your parents?'

"My mom's at work, obviously."

"Okay, I'm going to drive you to school and you are going to stop talking about this nonsense," I said.

"Okay grandpa," she said as she climbed into the car.

"Bloody hell" I muttered in confusion before I climbed in.

"So how was your date with Anna last night?" She asked once I got in the car.

"Why do you have such an interest in my dating life? I don't think we've ever even met,"

"Are you gonna answer the question or not?" she said stubbornly.

I sighed. "I wouldn't call that a date," I said.

"But your going to ask her on one, right?" I said.

"Listen Lucy," I said, "I don't know what you are talking about but why don't you make that clear to me before I do something you won't like," I said.

She just sighed . "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she said.

"Try me" I said as we parked in the school parking lot.

"Okay. You and Anna are married and have two kids. The curse just made you forget who you are," She said simply.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about? I don't have a wife or kids. And what do you mean 'a curse'?" I said.

"You do you just don't remember!" She said. "When you met Anna you felt something, didn't you? Like a connection. You felt like you've met her before."

I just stared at her. I did feel a connection to Anna. But I don't think a curse is the right explanation for it.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, come on, I'll walk you in," I said as I stepped out of the car.

Lucy sighed. "Deep down you know I'm right. Ask Anna out and you will see what I mean," she said.

I sighed. Bloody kids these days.

That night I found myself back at the bar after my shift. I couldn't stop thinking about Anna or what Lucy had said that day. I mean, Anna did seem familiar, but was a memory wiping curse really the explanation to that?

When I walked into the bar, I saw Anna standing behind the counter.

"Hey there officer," she said as I got closer.

"I thought I told you to call me Daniel," I said with a smirk.

She laughed. "Okay, Daniel, what brings you back to the bar? Another fight?" She said with a smile. I don't think I could ever grow tired of her smile, it was just so perfect and real.

I shook away my thoughts and laughed, "Umm, no not tonight. Can't an officer just grab a drink at a bar on his night off?" I asked.

Anna laughed, "Of course he can. What can I get you?"

Anna's POV

I was up all night last night thinking about Daniel. I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone before, and I knew that was crazy. I mean, I only met the guy yesterday! And after everything I've been through, and what my kids have been through, could I really just open up to somebody like that?

But at the same time, something felt different with him. It felt safe.

"Actually I was hoping we some more. Not as long as last night of course, but I would love to get to know you better," Daniel said with a small smile.

I took a deep breath. Roni was right, I needed to put myself out there more.

"Yeah! Me too. Just give me five minutes and I'll be off."

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