Part 4: True love? Not a problem

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Ivy's POV-

I walked into the room I was holding Gothel in and scoffed.

"It seems we have ran into a problem," I said as a walked toward the witch.

"What is it, Drizella?"

"The savior and that pirate and getting closer. If they kiss, well then we all know what happens next. I need a way to keep them apart."

Gothel smiled, "I thought you learned long ago not to underestimate me."

I gave her a look and she smiled again and said, "Before the curse, I added something to the mixture, a potion, made from a special plant from my home. I took it with me before I left for this world, because it was the only thing not destroyed with the rest of my home. It took my years to figure out what it was capable of," she smiled slightly.

"The potion is a true love blocker. If Emma and Hook, or any other true love pairings are to kiss, the curse will not be broken."

Hey y'all! Sorry this is so short and that I haven't updated in a while! School is currently killing me so I haven't had a lot of time to write, but I am going to try to get on some sort of schedule soon lol

Thank you for reading!

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