Part 3: The Docks

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Roger's POV-

I was thrilled that Anna said yes to hanging out again. I was worried that my feelings were one sided but maybe I'm wrong.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Anna asked, taking me out of my thoughts. "I mean like, go some place else?"

I smiled, "Sure! Where do you have in mind?"

We headed out of the bar and down the road towards the docks. I smiled again. I have always been drawn the the ocean but I had never actually seen it before. The small body of water we have here is the closest I have ever gotten.

We sat down but he edge and Anna smiled. "I've always found the water calming, I don't really know why. Sometimes when I'm stressed out I just come here and sit for a while and for some reason it always makes me feel better." She said.

I smiled at her, "I've always loved the ocean, but I've never actually been. This is the closet I've ever gotten."

Anna looked at me with a small smile, "Well, I think one day you will make it there."

I smiled at her. Something about being around her made me feel safe, and I liked it.

"By the way," Anna said as her expression changed, "the weirdest thing happened today," she started.

"Does it have to do with a little girl trying to set us up?" I said with a laugh.

"She came to you too?" Anna said as she laughed as well. God, she was beautiful.

"Aye, and she was blabbering about some nonsense about a curse and how we are 'true love'"

"Me too! That's crazy right? I mean, I hardly think our connection has to do with a curse that wiped our memories." She said.

My eyes went wide. She thinks we have a connection? Play it cool Rogers! I thought to myself.

I just smiled and said, "Yeah, that would be crazy."

We sat there and talked for a little while until Anna had to get home. Talking to her made me feel so safe and loved, I just never wanted to stop.

I kept thinking about what Lucy said to me. The thought of Anna being my wife and having a family with her sounded perfect, but there was no way that was real, right?

Anna's POV

Everyday after that night became like a routine. Daniel would come in and sit until I got off and we would walk down to the docks and talk until I had to get back to the house. I found myself looking forward to the end of the night more than usual lately, because that meant I got to spend more time with Daniel and then I got to go home to my daughters, whose eyes by the way, were perfect matches to his. Maybe that's why I'm so attracted to him...

One night however, when we were about to leave the bar, a women came inside. She had dark skin and brown hair and was holding a computer.

"Hi! Can I help you?" I asked.

"No, I'm just here to return something to somebody." She said.

That's when a young man came into the bar. Again, I felt an overwhelming feeling of recognition like I had felt with Rodgers, only this was different. I just felt like I knew him, I wasn't attracted to him.

"Hi, you must be Jacinda," the young man said. "I'm Henry."

"Yes I am, and this must belong to you." She said handing him the computer. They looked at each other for a minute until she said, "I'm sorry, but have we met before?"

Henry smiled and said, "I don't think I'd ever forget meeting you."

Jacinda smiled. Henry turned to us and said, "Hi, I'm Henry Mills." He said as he shook our hands.

"Hi, I'm Anna," I said. "Officer Rogers," Daniel said. "You look really familiar to me too lad, are you famous or something?" He added with a laugh.

Henry laughed as well, "No, I wouldn't call myself that." He said. "It was nice meeting you two," he said.

We smiled and walked outside. Just as we were about to start walking, Lucy came running up to us.

"So, have you two kissed yet?" She asked.

"What? No!" I said. What did this little girl want? "What are you talking about? We're just friends!" I said defensively, even though I knew that that wasn't how I felt, which honestly scared the hell out of me.

"Sure you are. This is taking longer than I thought." She said to herself. Then her face lit up. "And I know just who to call," she said before running off  into the night."

"Lucy!" Daniel called. He sighed. "Bloody hell that child has issues," he said.

I laughed and sighed. "Come on, let's get out of here." I said as I took his hand and dragged him away.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry for the lack of updating. I started school again recently and it's been a little stressful lol.

Thank you for reading!

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