Chapter fourteen

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We got everything in my room and unpacked when Johnson looked at my shelf with my old basketball trophies. Who packed those and why?

"You play?" He asked picking my trophy from 7th grade.

"No. I use to. But not anymore." I said standing up.

"Why not? From looking at these trophies you seem pretty good." He said handing me a first place trophy from 5th grade.

"Yeah. I guess you could say I was good." I Laughed.

"C'mon. Let's play." He said walking out the door.

"I don't have a ball." I smirked. I didn't really wanna play.

"I do! And I also live down the street." He smirked and I frowned.

"I don't have a goal." I smirked again.

"I do dumbass. Quit trying to get out of getting beat by me." He laughed.

"Let me tell Taylor." I frowned. And walked down the hall.

"Taylor I'm going to jacks."

"What for?" He replied a little overprotective.

"To play basketball." I rolled my eyes

"I thought you didn't play basketball anymore?" Really. Can I just leave.

"I didn't. But jack wants me to. So I guess I'll go play." I explained.

"Okay. We'll be down there in a little." He said putting one of his many colognes away.

"Bye." Was all I said before running to jack who was outside.

"Let's go!" He took off running down the street. I quickly caught up.

"Which house is yours?" I asked and kept walking as he walked up some driveway.

"Oh." I said turning around and laughing at myself.

"I'll go get the ball you stay here." Jack said running inside.

It didn't take him long to get the ball. But when he came out he threw the ball at me, I was paying attention and caught it. "Good catch now let's see you play." He said and I threw it back at him.

In the middle of our game jack and taylor came. "What's the score?" Jack asked.

"12-16." I said.

"Who's 12?" Taylor asked.

"Me." I said and laughed.

"Jack's gonna win. He's already ahead. He has a method." Jack said to Taylor.

Taylor just laughed then smirked. I have a method too.

"Jadyn." Taylor said and that's when I knew I had to do whatever I could to win. That's when I knew I had to try my best. And that's when I shot nothing but 3's.

"WHAT?!? I lost?" Johnson said suprised.

"Yeah. 27-20." I laughed.

"What? No. I didn't lose. Jack? Did I just lose to a girl?" He said looking at jack. We were all laughing besides him.

"Have your ball. I'm going to shower." I tossed the ball to Johnson and left.

I got out of the shower and decided to tweet something.

"@Jadynleann: good game @jackjackjohnson too bad you had to lose. 🏀😂"

I hit 'tweet' and lied down. I was about to fall asleep when I got a text. I didn't want to get up so I left it. Then I got another text, then another. And I got up to see what was so important. And I don't regret it.

I walked out of my room to find Taylor. "TAYLOR" I screamed.

I looked out the window and seen him still at jacks. "Taylor." I yelled running towards him. "I need a ride." I said smiling.


Oops. Cliff hanger.😂


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