Chapter Twenty-one

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*Maura's POV*

I knocked on Jadyn's apartment door. I heard someone leaving an apartment down the hall so I looked over to see if it was Taylor. Nope. I turn to knock on the door again and see Johnson standing there and I pull my hand away from his face as I laugh. "Sorry. Where's Jadyn?"

"Jadyn!" He yells and invites me in.

"What the fuck do you- MAURA!" She yells as she sees me.

"Maura's here." Johnson laughed.

"I see that assbutt." Jadyn laughed.

"So Taylor let you two live together?" I ask confused.

"Yeah. But Gilinsky & Hayes live here, along with their girlfriends, Emily and Haylee." She smirked.

"Oh. And Taylor lives alone next door?" Awe poor taytay.

"Yeah about that." Jadyn smiled. "Will you do me the biggest favor?"

"Like what?" I probably sounded so stupid. Oh whale.

"Will you move in with my brother? Please. You've made him so happy. And he's not really taking dad's death very well." What? Dads death?

"Well yeah! But what did you say about your dad?" I asked slowly.

"Oh....u-ummm....he drove himself off a bridge.....and drowned." She stuttered less than you think she would.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry. But yeah! I'll move in with your brother." I smiled trying to lighten the mood.

"It's not your fault. But about the Taylor thing. Okay! And Thanks. I'll go get Taylor." She said and left the room.

"Hide!" Johnson whispered and we seen two shadows walk past.

"Shit. Okay!" I hid in the kitchen.

"Hey Tay!" Jack said and laughed at his pun.

"I'm thirsty." Taylor said.I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked out of the kitchen.

"Here you thirsty hoe." I said and threw the water bottle at him.

"BABE!" He yelled and ran to me.

"I missed you" I said as we hugged.

"I missed you too." He said and we let go.

"What you been up to?" I asked.

"Moving. A lot." He laughed.

"Cool." This is getting boring....

"Hey, babe? Wanna go out tonight? Just us two?" He sounds nervous.

"Sure." I smiled and hugged him.

"Great! Dress nice." He winked and left the apartment.

"JADYN." I screamed running up the stairs.

"What?" She walked out of a room I already past.

"We NEED to go shopping. Taylor is taking me on a date and he told me to dress nice.....I DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE!" I yelled.

"Okay. Let's all go shopping, us four girls." She laughed walking to the other doors.

"Let's go, nigga bitch.We gonna go shopping!" She said to Haylee.

"Hey dicklicker. Let's go shopping." She knocked on Emily's door.

"Bye jack hayes and jack." We all screamed and ran out the door to the car.

"TO THE MALL!" Jadyn screamed as she shut the passenger door.


I have no words.🌚


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