Freeze Your Brain or Fight For Me

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Songs in the chapter: Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain.
Yo, shout out to LexiMations for supporting me and my story! BTW, I have a new symbol.
🤓 = the kids/other people/chorus.

(Y/n)'s Point Of View«

"You really shouldn't have bowed down to the Swatch dogs and diet Coke ads." someone suddenly said, catching me by surprise. I turned around, and I saw a boy with red and white hair and heterochromic eyes, right colored grey and his left colored blue, he wore a dark grey trench coat, black turtleneck, grey pants, and black boots. "They're gonna crush that girl." He continued.
"I'm sorry,what?"
"Look, you clearly got a soul, you just need to work a little harder keeping it clean. We're all born marked for evil." He replied, walking away. "Okay, don't just quote Baudelaire at me and walk away. Excuse me, I didn't catch your name."
"I didn't throw it." He sassed. I turned, walking away with a smile and slight blush. Not noticing Ojiro and Sero sending a glare at the guy.

"Who does that guy in the jacket think he is, anyway? Bo Diddley?" Ojiro asked.
"(Y/n)'s into his act no doubt. Let's kick his ass!"
"But we're seniors man, we're too cool for that." Ojiro said. Sero ignored him, aggressing towards the heterochromic boy (with Ojiro following behind him). Sero smacked the book out of the boy's hands (Author: first of all, how dare you!?). "Hey sweetheart, what'd your boyfriend say when you moved from Sherwood, Ohio?"
"My buddy, Sero just asked you a question."
"Hey, Ojiro, doesn't this cafeteria have a 'no fags allowed rule'?"
"Sure does."
"They seem to have an open-door policy for assholes though."
".....Hold his arms!" Sero yelled. Ojiro Mashida grabbed his arms. The boy kicked Sero in the balls, slipped out of Ojiro's grasp and punched him. Sero tried to attack the boy from behind, but was punched! He kicked Ojiro's leg before he could get up. The cafeteria watch in shock, awe, and/or surprise at the brawl in front of them.

[🤓]"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!"
[Y]"Why when you see boys fight does it look so horrible, yet... feel so right! I shouldn't watch this crap that's not who I am but for this kid... dayum!"

[Y]"Hey, Mr. No-name-kid, say who might you be? And could you fight for me? Hey could you face the crowd–
could you be seen with me and still act proud? Hey, could you hold my hand? And could carry me through No-Mans'-Land? It's fine, if you don't agree. But I would fight for you,
if you would fight for me!"

[Y]"Let them drive us underground...I don't care how far. You can set my broken bones and I know CPR."

[Y]"Well, woah, you can punch real good, you've lasted longer than I thought you would! So hey, Mr. No-Name-Kid, If some night you're free... Wanna fight for me?"

[🤓]"Holy shit!"

[Y]"If you're still alive,"

[🤓]"Holy shit!"

[Y]"I would fight for you"

[🤓]"Holy shit! Holy shit!"

[Y]"If you would fight for me!!"

[🤓]"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!!!"

\\\\\ Timeskip to a while later, (Y/n)'s house \\\\\

"God, (Y/n)! Drool, much? You we're practically throwing your panties at that new kid!" Katsuki said, she then sent a sharp look at Denki and Eijiko, who laughed. "And from the look of your house, you can't afford replacement panties." Katsuki giggles, sending another sharp look at the girls, Denki and Eijiko laughed. "Oh come on, I don't even know his name!" I said, a little flustered, but hit the croquet ball with my hammer "Mom, Dad look out!"
"Here ya go girls! Care for some pate?"
"That isn't pate, it's liverwurst!" Katsuki rudely comments. "I know that, Katsuki! It's a family joke!" Mom laughs. "Hahaha. Funny." Katsuki said sarcastically. "Dang it, can somebody tell me why I keep on reading all these spy novels?"
"Oh, it's because you're an idiot dad."
"Oh yeah, that's it!" He laughed. "Ahahaha, you two! So girls, any plans for tonight?" Mom asked. ", There is a homecoming party at Ojiro Mashida's house, I'm catching a ride with Katsuki."
"Speaking of which." Katsuki states, The Heroines picked up their balls and left. "Great mom, but we better get going if we want to be ready for the party." I said.
"Don't let the popular girls change you."
"I need them."
"For what?! Do you have friends! You have Toru!"
"Maybe I want more out of life than liverwurst."
"Ahem!" Katsuki rudely interrupted "Gotta go, mom. Bye."

||| Timeskip! |||

"(Y/n)! Don't forget to buy corn nuts! It's not a party without corn nuts!!"
"Yes Eijiko. Plain or BQ?" I asked.
"BQ!!" Eijiko replied. I sighed and enter the 7/11. "Greetings and salutations. Do you want a Slurpee with that?" The new kid asked.
"No, but if you're nice I'll let you buy me a Big Gulp."
"Seriously? That's like going to Mickey D's to order a salad. Slurpee is the traditional dish of the house. Did you say cherry or lime?"
"I said 'Big Gulp'. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), by the way. You ever going to tell me your name?"
"I'll is the suspense. I'm Shoto Todoroki, Shoto for short."
"So Shoto, that thing you pulled in the cafeteria was pretty severe."
"The extreme always seems to make an impression."
"So what makes a Baudelaire-quoting-badass like you to Musutafu?"
"My dad's work, he owns a deconstruction company."
"A deconstruction company?"
"Yeah, the old man seems to enjoy tearing things down. Have you ever seen the commercial? 'Hey, I'm Big Bud Dean, if it's in the way, I'll make your day!'."
"Great, then he pulls the plunger in the screen blows up! HHEEEHEHEHEHHHAAAAHAHAHHAHA, ah.....That's your dad?"
"In all his toxic glory."
"Everyone's life has got static."
"(Y/N)!!!" Eijiko yelled at the top of her lungs. "Example. I don't really like my friends." I state "Heh. I don't like your friends either." Shoto said. "Bag the party, hang here?"
"At the 7/11? Swanky first date."
"Hey, I love this place!"
"No offense, but why?"

[S]"I've been through ten high schools. They start to get blurry. No point in planting your roots, 'cause you're gone in a hurry. My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den, so it's only a matter of when. I don't learn the names,
don't bother with faces. All I can trust is this concrete oasis. Seems every time I'm about to despair, There's a 7-11 right there! Each store is the same, from Las Vegas to Boston, linoleum aisles that I love to get lost in! I pray at my altar of slush; yeah I live for that sweet frozen rush..." He takes a hit of his frozen drink and grimaces ever so slightly.

[S]"Freeze your brain. Suck on that straw, get lost in the pain. Happiness comes when everythings numbs. Who needs cocaine? Freeze your brain. Freeze your brain..." Shoto said happily. Shoto offered his Slurpee. "Care for a hit?" He asked. "Does your mommy know you eat all this crap?" I asked jokingly "Not anymore. When mom was alive, we lived halfway normal, but now it's just me and my dad, we're less formal." He said. 'Oh... now I wish I hadn't of said that.'

"I learned to cook pasta, I learned to pay rent; learned the world doesn't owe you a cent. You're planning your future, (Y/n) (L/n), you'll go to some college, and marry a lawyer. But the sky's gonna hurt when it falls. So you better start building some walls... Freeze your brain. Swim in the ice, get lost in the pain. Shut your eyes tight, till you vanish from sight, let nothing remain– Freeze your brain, shatter your skull, fight pain with more pain.Forget who you are, unburden your load, forget in six weeks you'll be back on the road. When the voice in your head says you're better off dead, don't open a vein–just freeze your brain, freeze your brain, Go on and freeze your brain... Try it." He finished.

I do as he says "I don't see what the big deal is– ah, motherfu–!!" I held my head in pain. "(Y/n)! Corn. Nuts." Katsuki snarled. ".... yes, Katsuki"
"Wave bye-bye to Red Dawn here and let's motor." Katsuki demanded. She grabbed my hand and walked out the door.

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