My Life pt1

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My name is Brianna. Some of you may know me, but probably not. I'm here to tell you about my life, obviously. Hence the title. So let's start...

  When I was in kindergarten, I would walk around and not give a darn, what anyone had to say about me. At that stage in life, kids weren't really mean anyway, but all the same, I didn't care.

  When I was in elementary school, I didn't give a freak what people said to me, but I would defend my friends at all costs. Kids weren't that mean, but they were still hurtful.

  When I was in middle school, I cared a whole lot. I have no idea what happened to me between fifth grade and eighth, but I changed for the worse. I started to doubt everything that I did. I worried about speaking to a crowd. I was scared of singing or dancing in front of people I didn't know. I cared about everyone's opinion, which gave them power in my life. They could say something they knew hurt me, and then leave knowing that they accomplished what they set out to do. People are cruel. No doubt about that. Amen.

  I used to change outfits, and hairstyles, and makeup styles, but none of them made me feel pretty. None of them. Not a one. I thought that no one could understand what I was feeling. I though that people wouldn't even care. But I was wrong. 

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