My Life pt3

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   Sorry I went all wacko on y'all last chapter. I'll do better this time around...
I hope...

   Ive never had a way to relieve my stress and depression. Never. Until recently. I have found something that helps. I found music. Which is stupid considering I've sung my whole life. I'm not talking about regular singing though. I'm talking about when you physically and mentally connect with the song and what it's trying to portray. It's a beautiful feeling, because I put a little bit of my heart and soul into every note I sing. Then, I found dance. I dont think I'm very good at it, but it feels like my body moves fluently with the beat and the harmony. It feels wonderful, and there is nothing like it in the world. When I dance and sing, I'm not anyone else. I'm me. Brianna. No one else's version of me. Just me. Perfectly imperfect me. And then I found something else that helped even more.

   I had been introduced to a Kpop group by my cousins, Tanya and Emily. They are both a big part of my life, and I dont know what I would do without them. They are the light at the end of my tunnel, and one of my reasons for living, is to bring them joy. No wonder they call me a ray of sunshine. I think I get the resemblance now.

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