Shout Out

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From: Brianna

I want to thank you guys. You are now a big part of my life. Not because you are famous idols, but because your music and determination inspired me and continues to inspire me to this day. You gave me the confidence that I never had. You guys made me feel like I was someone important, when I felt like absolute garbage. You made me believe in myself and my abilities. Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how helpless I was before I heard of you guys. I could go on and on about how much you have done for me, even if we haven't met, and even if we won't ever meet, but I should end it here while I'm ahead. Thank you again for making me who I am today. Thank you soooooooo muuuuch!!!
Stay safe and healthy! And keep on making music. You guys have a true gift. Use it!


I have another chapter in progress. I promise! Just hang in there readers! Bye bye people!

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