1: Laurel Lance's secret.

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Laurel Lance.
The Black Canary.
        She trained me to be tough. She trained me to be strong. She trained me to be just. The day that she died was the worst of my life. My mother died when I was born and I have no idea who my father is. Laurel raised me. She took me under her wing. I attended her funeral, hiding in the back. I was only 19. My suit looked like Laurel's except for it was light! Light! Mint. I stole her sonic device when I visited her in the hospital, where she told me a secret. I walked into the Arrow Cave.
"Green Arrow?" I called as I walked in.
"Who the heck are you?" The Green hooded figure asked me.
"How did you get in here?" Felicity Smoak asked.
"I'm Laurel's daughter... kinda," I spoke.
"Explain," Diggle spoke.
"I-I... My parents died when I was young. I grew up with an abusive family but I ran away when I was 5. I lived on the streets until I was 11. Laurel, she took me in. She took me to self-defense classes. Then when she became Black Canary. I found out and she began to train me to be like her. Then um I visited her in the hospital and she told me that a few months before she found out that um I'm actually her daughter. That Moria told her that she miscarried Oliver Queen's baby. I was that kid. I was put into foster care by Moria," I spoke.
"So A your a canary and B your Oliver and Laurel's daughter?" Felicity asked.
"Ya," I nodded.

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