31: Attacked and Awaken

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I sat in the cave. Just sitting. My mom is alive. My dad is dead. My mom is alive. My dad is dead. I couldn't help but just sit there. Bewildered. Wow. My dad. Gone. I wanted to cry. Then the elevator opened. I was the only one here, Well me and my mom. I glanced up and gun fire opened. Gun shots opened up and glass shattered. Shells clattered down to the ground. Tall men in black out fits walked in. I dove for my bow and began to fire.  Firing the arrows off as fast as I could. I hit one in the chest.  Another in the arm. I screamed. I pulled out my phone and called Felicity.
"Lauryssa? Were those gun shots?" She asked.
"WE ARE COMING," she yelled.
I fired and arrow again and slid next to my moms bed. She sat up.
"Mom!?" I yelled.
"Hun?" She asked.
I fired another arrow and hit another in the shoulder.  Something bounced off of my wings. I glanced. It was a bullet shell. Was I bullet proof? Another bullet bounced off. I stood and expanded my wings to shield my mom. Then I fired another arrow. I ran out of arrows. There were only three more guys. I kicked on in the chest. Then punched another in the face. I elbowed one in the neck. I kicked another in the groin. It didn't seem to phase them. One landed a kick to my side. But then Rene and Dinah came in. Dinah screamed and Rene shot them.
"You okay birdie?" Rene asked as Felicity walked in with Curtis.
I nodded catching my breath.
"Laurel! Your awake!" She yelled
"Felicity," she smiled.
"Why didn't you tell us about Lauryssa!? Oh I'm so happy to see you!" She exclaimed.
Before Laurel could reply, Quin- I mean my grandfather walked in.
"Oh my baby girl," he grinned.
"Daddy!" She smiled.
"Hunny I have to know why didn't you tell me about Lauryssa?" He asked.
"If I told any of you then Oliver would have found out and up until a like last year I thought it was better , I though Oliver wasn't good for Lauryssa then I found out he would be amazing for her. But it was just too dangerous. I mean. William was a target! Why wouldn't Lauryssa be?" She spoke.
I squeezed her hand.
Curtis and Rene dragged all of the intruders to a cell and took off their masks.
"Oh my gosh," Curtis spoke.
"What the heeeeeeeeeeck," Rene spoke slowing his words seeing William. 

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